Galanti-Karkhala War » Yonderverse Codex

Galanti-Karkhala War

CW: Mass destruction & death

The Galanti-Karkhala War was a series of conflicts that occurred between the Galanti League and several influential organisations under planet Karkhala. There were three main battles within this conflict, each one worse than its predecessor.

The result of the conflict left the Galanti League with a new leader and millions dead. Its repercussions are still felt to this day, in Galanti culture and within the hierarchies of Karkhala.

Warehouse Raid

46 years ago, Galanis Furora ordered a raid of an oanie-owned warehouse on the banks of the Galanti Cluster. This unprompted attack drove the public against the Galanti League, who promoted peace and prosperity.

Galanis received the most backlash, and he was forced to step down from his position. He left the League entirely, replaced by Natani Melle. His opening speech addressed previous matters, encouraging the public that the Galanti League would do better.

The warehouse had been operating for nineteen years before this attack, collecting data on nearby star systems. Galanis suspected the warehouse was scoping out the Galanti Cluster, as many planets remained uninhabited and unclaimed.


Almost instantaneously came the retaliation. A barrage of bloody attacks from the Karkhala Defence League. These soldiers, atop mutilated, mutated monsters tore the cities of Kauzen III, one of the star system's most prized planets. Cities fell, their people crushed under the rubble of a thousand skyscrapers.

Casilla Maw by Mochi

The Galanti League were not quick enough to respond. By the time distress signals had been read and responded to, Fifty major cities had been decimated, and over six million lives had been lost. The rest of the Galanti Cluster watched in silence as the planet crumbled.

The Galanti League arrived on Kauzen III a day after the attacks began, jumping into action. Natani, Casilla Maw, and a handful of other league members joined in to defend the decimated planet.

Casilla managed to reroute several large floods scattered across the lowlands of Kauzen III, that had swept away many small towns. Natani destroyed several swarms of Karkhalan soldiers, while other members aided in rescuing the innocent, directing refugee spacecrafts to the nearest safe-points.

At first, they looked like pretty lights in the sky. Like somebody had lit off a fireworks show. But then we felt the earthquakes. From their ships, landing.   There was nothing we could do after that. My home, my life, collapsed. Everything. It was all gone. I walked down my street, staring at the rubble laying around me. In minutes, those people had taken everything from me.   I will never see my family again.

The Galanti League had lost. And people did not know who to trust anymore.


Battle of Zyari

The Galanti League was forced to power through a slump for several years, after the Retaliation. The general public had no faith in these magical mercenaries anymore, which meant they had no way of protecting themselves from danger. Karkhala and its people were still furious, and desperate to seek more revenge.

Natani threatened Sisyra Tyris, the tyrannical ruler of the Karkhala Defence League. He offered an ultimatum. A battle between the Galanti League and the KDL, on the abandoned planet Zyari, or they would come full-force and annihilate Karkhala.

The Galanti League certainly did not have the power to destroy Karkhala, and the KDL was well aware of this. Nevertheless, they accepted the deal.

Both parties arrived on Zyari. Its tranquil, shimmering atmosphere, vibrant landscapes, and glowing oceans were about to turn to ash.


Celera by Mochi

The battle was strenuous, and neither seemed to prevail. Canyons were carved as the Galanti League members pummelled soldier after soldier into the ground. The golden warriors were no match for these galactic super heroes.

But no matter how hard the League fought, there never seemed to be an end in sight. That was when the first was struck down. Morta Custara was the first League member to be killed. A warrior of death was slaughered in daylight.

Three more League members lost their lives in the battle. The golden warriors were edging a victory, slowly but surely. The tides needed to turn.

And when the world needed her, she was there. Celera. A Queen of the Overgrowth, capable of commanding entire planets at will. She made the ultimate sacrifice. She buried herself into the ground and became one with the planet. One by one, the golden warriors were torn through the ground, merging with the soil and becoming one with Celera.

She was reborn as the planet itself. Her sacrifice could have saved billions. Could have.

One Final Blow

The Karkhala Defence League simply would not lose. While the war raged on Zyari, Sisyra had organised attacks.. One by one, nuclear weapons were launched at fifteen planets.

Seventeen billion lives were lost. Atmospheres of these planets were seared off, ecosystems ripped apart, civilisations crumbled. Nothing survived.

The Galanti League surrendered. Nothing could stop Karkhala.

Conflict Type
Start Date
46 years ago
Ending Date
38 years ago
Related Locations
Galanti Cluster
Related Organisations
Galanti League
Karkhala Defence League
Related Characters
Casilla Maw
Galanis Furora
Natani Melle

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Jul 1, 2024 22:55 by Keon Croucher

Mochi you werent kidding my goodness. I haven't read about a group or a side in a conflict choosing literal Exterminatus as much as the Karkhala since Inquisitor Kryptman in the Warhammer 40k universe and lore. And to be fair, he wasn't necessarily wrong, cause Tyranids.   This is so much darker cause this...this all feels like it almost didn't need to happen. There was no reason this escalated so far out of hand. This is a hell of a ride, a really great read and definitely has a dark bent to it (which is fine I mean war is dark and horrible and scary and should feel kinda messed up.) Well written!

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jul 2, 2024 17:54 by Mochi

Haha, yeah, the oanie push things too far. I've always treated them as the "bad guys", but it felt like an unearned title. Not anymore...

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Jul 2, 2024 09:18

You had me at the edge of my seat the whole time and right when Celera sacrificed herself by becoming a planet, essentially, I was certain the war was won.   But it wasn't.   How could you do this to me? T.T (jk, this is so well written, I love it! Keep it up! <3)

Jul 2, 2024 17:55 by Mochi

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Jul 2, 2024 14:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The Oanie really know how to escalate, huh? Jesus.

Jul 2, 2024 17:55 by Mochi

Hah, yep.

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
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