Elword Walros

Elword stands at 5 feet 10 inches tall, with a lean yet sturdy build. His hair, once raven black, is now a striking silver, flowing down to his shoulders. His piercing green eyes, reminiscent of his elven lineage, hold a depth of wisdom and sorrow. He has an aura of quiet strength, often wearing simple yet well-maintained clothing, with a preference for earth tones and a well-worn leather apron, indicative of his current profession.   Background: Elword Walros, a venerable half-elf, has witnessed centuries pass, harboring countless tales and experiences. Born in the ancient elven city of Arvandor to an elven mother and human father, he inherited the longevity of his elven heritage and the adaptability of his human side. His destiny as a Dovahkiin, a rare individual born with the soul of a dragon and the ability to wield powerful dragon shouts, led him to fight in the War of the Ancients. Tragically, his bonded dragon, Valdrath, perished during the war, leaving a profound void in his life.   Personality: Elword is a calm and composed individual, his many years giving him a patient and understanding nature. He is a storyteller at heart, always ready to share his vast knowledge and experiences with those who seek him out. Despite his serene demeanor, there lies an inner fire from his days as a Dovahkiin, which occasionally resurfaces when he or those he cares about are threatened. The loss of Valdrath has instilled a deep sense of melancholy in him, making him reflective and sometimes withdrawn.   Current Role: As the owner of The Next Best Cod, Elword spends his days ensuring his guests are well taken care of, sharing stories of his past, and occasionally offering sage advice to adventurers passing through Bemita. Despite his desire for a peaceful life, Elword remains vigilant, ready to protect his home and friends with the ancient power that still resides within him. His inn has become a hub for travelers seeking wisdom and respite, making Elword a well-respected and beloved figure in the community. The memory of Valdrath continues to guide him, a reminder of his past and the sacrifices made for peace.   Skills and Abilities:  
  • Innkeeping: Years of managing The Next Best Cod have made him an excellent host, cook, and brewer, known for his unique recipes and exceptional mead.
  • Combat Proficiency: His time as a warrior in the War of the Ancients honed his skills with various weapons, though he prefers not to use them unless absolutely necessary.
  • Wisdom and Knowledge: Elword’s extensive lifespan has granted him a wealth of knowledge in history, magic, and lore, making him a valuable advisor and mentor.
  • Elven Dagger: A finely crafted dagger from his homeland, kept more as a memento than a weapon.
  • Staff of Frost: A magical staff acquired during his adventures, capable of casting powerful ice spells.
  • Journal of the Ancients: A personal journal documenting his experiences during the War of the Ancients, filled with insights and strategies.
  • Pendant of Valdrath: A keepsake from his fallen dragon, a small scale embedded in a silver pendant, worn around his neck.

Elword stands at 5 feet 10 inches tall, with a lean yet sturdy build. His hair, once raven black, is now a striking silver, flowing down to his shoulders. His piercing green eyes, reminiscent of his elven lineage, hold a depth of wisdom and sorrow. He has an aura of quiet strength, often wearing simple yet well-maintained clothing, with a preference for earth tones and a well-worn leather apron, indicative of his current profession.

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Current Status
Runs The Next Best Cod
Current Location
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Date of Birth
2nd of Cupid
Year of Birth
100 AD 600 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Third of six children
Raven Black with silver streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tan with a green tint.
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