Session 48: The Gathering: 3rd, 4th of Ares Report

General Summary

SESSION 48: THE GATHERING 4TH AND 5TH OF ARES   Most of the companions of Franchise K attended a mini concert at the Next Best Cod where the famous traveling bard was going to put on a performance for the town of Bemita. This known bard has frequently visited this inn and seems to have a good relationship with the innkeeper. Those who have bonded with their dragon have felt sensations at the inn and other parts of the town. A peaceful sensation, yet a feeling they have never felt before. The inn itself was standing room only as patrons from all over Bemita were here to see the famous traveling bard. Dagwyn mean while attempted to enter the inn through the back door as she was investigating this new sensation she was feeling. She came eye to eye with Elword and has a conversation as she attempted to gather information on the inn keeper who managed to keep whatever he seem to be hiding hidden. She chose a place near the back door to blend in and watch the comings and goings of the back door.   Meanwhile in the inn itself the traveling bard who the party learns is a 150 year old elf by the name of Hehelana Oakencrown. She tells stories of old legends of the famous Dovahkiin who were once known as the peacekeepers of North Azure. She memorizes the crowd through brilliant songs of old and the stories of old. This brings comfort to the citizens of Bemita considering the current times as of late. Some of the patrons can be heard wishing that they were still around to combat what is going on in the region. Other patrons scoff and laugh at the stories evening questioning if the Dovahkiin even existed. Most of the patrons in general are glad for the wonderful entertainment before them. Then she sings the prophecy song of the return of the Dovahkiin. This brings hope to many in the crowd, even with the scoffers. Then she takes a break. While on break the conversation in the inn is loud as everyone talks about her performance whether they believe her stories or not. Some of the conversations get heated depending on what their beliefs are on the return of the Dovahkiin.   After the intermission the young elf introduces herself to the crowd of patrons. The Elf steps back onto the stage "it is great to back on the west coast of Azure I am Helelana Oakencrown. I love to come back. For those that don't know I grew up in the great forest of the High elves My Great uncle was a famous Dovahkiin of the Gate Keepers who flew on a secret mission to these parts only never to be seen again. Then tragedy struck again when my father's brother who worked for your king also dissapeared. I sing the songs of old to remember what my Uncle and great uncle stood for truth and justice. I will sing these songs of old never forgetting the gatekeepers and the Order of the Phoenix. The prophecy will come true I tell you it will". Then she introduces her guest visitor a gnome of per found beauty with no blemishes. red hair, green eyes and a very athletic body type who is carrying an unusual lute. One that has eight strings vs the five that a normal lute would have. Her beauty and graces memorizes the patrons then a loud crash of plates and cups draws unwanted attention to the inn keeper Elword who just stairs at Reba whispering that it can't be and picks up his mess and rushes to the kitchen. Then this gnome goes on to entertain the crowd with country style songs.   The next morning the companions awaked to a cool light rainy day. The buzz of the town is the performance put on by both ladies at the Next Best Cod. There is also talk of people found beheaded outside of town. The companions who are eating breakfast at the Impossible Potato Bar are visited by the captain and first sergeant of Hotel company of the Crimson Guard. The first sergeant is smitted by the beauty of Zayrdi Kan the new intern of the franchise K who ends up asking the young Half-Orc out for lunch before the party departs. Then he is sent away back to the HQ by Captain Lysander Kallistratos. The Captain then begins to drill the companions on their guild, there mission, are they tied to the foreign squires that are protecting a wagon of coal. This of course gets the attention of the groups patron Breenove Glittergem who knows that they are to be gems not coal. Which Arceven assures Breenove and the captain that things are well under control and that Acquisitions Incorporated on the job and will do what is necessary to protect the items in the wagons. Also at the breakfast table is Panderica, Mariks sister who is very proud of Mariks achievements since their last encounter. She warns Marik that is is the Akrus clan that is out to destroy their family name. She most impressed that her brother is now a knight of the realm of Avalon. No tiefling in the history of their kind has ever been knighted by the King of Avalon or any king for that matter.   Then the party is approached by three hooded figures who sits donw at their table once Breenove has left to go and take care of the business that she came here for. The robed figures talk without removing there hoods. The sensations they have felt since arriving in town is very strong with the three of them sitting at their table. One of the robed figures is the inn keeper Elword. The three figures ask several questions to Jasmal, Marik, and Dagwyn and ask that they come with them out of town to a almond farm to discuss further business of Dovahkiin nature. The three members decide to go with the robed figures. Once on the almond farm the three take off there robes and hoods to reveal the armor of the Order of the Phoenix. Elword a Half-elf , who is 600 years old. A human by the name of Thaddeus Ironwood, a 700 year old human who looks to be in his mid-50's. A female elf by the name of Elandria Faelivrin who dons the armor of the Gate keepers, who is 800 years old. These three begin drilling questions of the return of the Dovahkiin. Where is the new HQ?, who is the new commander?, what is the commanders plan,? and lastly can they join in the ranks of their beloved order as teachers.

Rewards Granted

  • 400 EXP: awarded to Jasmal, Dagwyn, Zaydri, Arceven, Karinn, Dagon, Dimmir, Marik, 
  • 300 EXP: awarded to Conan, Raz' Thrak
  • Bonus EXP: 
  • 75 awarded to Jasmal
  • 50 awarded to Dimmir
  • 25 awarded to Karin. 

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Ramoth/Reba
  2. Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  3. Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  4. Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  5. George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human
  6. Annia Alethia (Female) Jasmal Asssistant.
  7. Pandricia (Marik sister)
  8. Breenove Glittergem (Female Gnome Daughter of Zanbar) Associate traveling with group if this job is picked.
  9. Elword Walros The Next Best Cod: (Bemita) Male half-Elf 600 years old Dovahkiin. His dragon was named Gokarth
  10. Makis Nicolotis: (Male human) Owner of the Impossible Potato Bar.
  11. Lieutenant Nikoleta Stathea: Female Human (Bemtia) 2nd Platoon commander of Hotel company of the Crimson Guard.
  12. 1st Sergeant Demos Kanidis (Half-Orc) company 1st sergeant of Hotel company of the Crimson Guard.
  13. Hehelana Oakencrown (Female Elf)
  14. Captain Lysander Kallistratos (Male Human) Company commander of Hotel Company
  15. Elandria Faelivrin (Female Wood elf) Elandria is a one of remaining survivors of the war of the Ancients Her Dragons name was Silverscale
  16. Thaddeus Ironwood (Male human 700 years old) Thaddeus is one of the remaining survivors of the war of the Ancients His dragon was named Emberclaw

Created Content

Surving Dovahkiin members of the War of the Ancients.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ( R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶)
R̶e̶d̶a̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ 7
54 / 54 HP
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Chaotic Neutral High Elf (Charlatan)
Rogue 5
Ranger 2
48 / 48 HP
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 7
63 / 73 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
29 May 2024
Primary Location


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