License To Kill.

This secret organization was formed by the crown prince Aurthur Pendragon to deal with criminal organizations and indiviuals againts the crown. King Uther Pendragon gave the order to the crown prince to form this guild after evidence was turned over to the crown by a unknow Elf and halfling.  The unknow elf and halfling and the group they traveled with turned over states evidence and thwarted several assassination attempts againts the crowns of several realms in North Azure.  These organizations and indiviuals are very secretive in nature and work behind the scenes to destroy the goverments of North Azure.  The members of LTK also work behind the sceens using any method available to seek out these organizations or indiviuals and bring them to justice or eleminate them competley. LTK gets its orders and missions from the Knights of the Round Table. The crown prince picked this unknow elf and halfling to recruit and lead this orgnization.

run in the shadows, walk in the light.

Founding Date
26 Ares, 10495
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


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