Lords/Ladies Rank/Title in YonZora | World Anvil


The lowest rank in the line of Nobility in the Kingdom of Azure. This title is given to the Mayors or  government officials in cities, town, villages and hamlets. These are elected officials by town they are from. Members who run for these positions must be approved by the Duke or Duchess of the region. These titles only last as long as they are in there town leadership positions.


Lords and Ladies is a title given to local  public city officials.  Some examples are city council members, guild leaders, and Mayors.  They are elected by the people of the city they are from. These men and women must be approved by the regional Duke or Duchess before they can run for the public office.


Must be born and raised in the town they are from.  Have knowledge in the office they are running for. must be approved by the Duke or Duchess.


Elections are  usually held in the Month of Somnus and the newly elected official would take office in the month of Zeus.


To carry out the mundane city business and day to day operations of city business. They are to carry out any task that is assigned to them by the Duke/Duchess or the


City officals take care of the city duties, Guild leaders take care of the day to day business of the guild and its members.


A chance for a commoner  to have a noble title with pay, benefits, and housing paid for by the crown. Depending on how long a person serves in the office they are elected to will determine how much of a retirement plan they get for their service to the city and the crown.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A signet ring that is issued when they take office and to be given back to the crown when their time of service is fulfilled.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the person who is elected to the office does not fulfil their duties to the city or guild they will be impeached by the Duke or Duchess. If a crime is committed by the elected official they will be removed from office and the approiate punishment for the crime committed will be administrated including the death penalty.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Lord or Lady
Source of Authority
The King or Queen.
Length of Term
As long as they are in office. Two years minimum
Reports directly to


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