Lysander Kallistratos

Lysander stands at 6 feet tall, with a robust and muscular build honed from years of rigorous training. His sharp, dark eyes convey both intelligence and a fierce determination. He has a chiseled jawline, a short, well-kept beard, and shoulder-length wavy black hair. He often wears the traditional crimson armor of the Guard, adorned with intricate gold details and a plumed helmet, signifying his rank.   Personality: Lysander is known for his unwavering loyalty, both to his men and to his city. He is a natural leader, inspiring those around him with his courage and tactical brilliance. Despite his stern exterior, he is compassionate towards his soldiers, always putting their welfare above his own. His strategic mind and ability to remain calm under pressure have earned him respect on and off the battlefield.   Skills and Abilities:
  • Master Tactician: Lysander excels in devising and executing battle plans, often turning the tide of war with his innovative strategies.
  • Swordsmanship: A formidable swordsman, he wields his blade with precision and power, making him a deadly opponent in close combat.
  • Leadership: His charisma and dedication inspire great loyalty in his troops, boosting their morale and effectiveness in battle.
  • Healer’s Knowledge: Thanks to his mother’s teachings, Lysander has a good understanding of battlefield medicine, able to tend to wounds and illness when necessary.
  • Crimson Armor: Crafted from the finest materials, it provides excellent protection without sacrificing mobility.
  • Sword of Mycenae: A family heirloom passed down through generations, this sword is both a symbol of his heritage and a deadly weapon.
  • Shield of Ares: A large, round shield bearing the emblem of the Crimson Guard, offering formidable defense.
Backstory: Lysander rose through the ranks of the Crimson Guard through sheer skill and dedication. His leadership was put to the test during the Siege of Corinth, where his strategic acumen saved countless lives and led to a decisive victory. Despite numerous offers of higher political positions, Lysander remains committed to the Guard, believing his true place is alongside his soldiers, defending his city.   Current Role: As Captain of the Crimson Guard, Lysander oversees the training of new recruits and the deployment of his forces. He is deeply involved in the city’s defense plans and often acts as an advisor to the city’s ruling council. His latest mission involves investigating rumors of a rising threat from a neighboring kingdom, a task he approaches with his usual blend of caution and strategic insight.

Lysander stands at 6 feet tall, with a robust and muscular build honed from years of rigorous training. His sharp, dark eyes convey both intelligence and a fierce determination. He has a chiseled jawline, a short, well-kept beard, and shoulder-length wavy black hair. He often wears the traditional crimson armor of the Guard, adorned with intricate gold details and a plumed helmet, signifying his rank.

Character Location
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Current Status
Captain of Hotel company in Bemita.
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Vulcan
Year of Birth
468 CD 32 Years old
Current Residence
a robust and muscular build honed from years of rigorous training. He has a chiseled jawline, a short, well-kept beard
Dark Brown
shoulder-length wavy black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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