Order of the Red Dragon

The Order of the Red dragon was named for the first Dragon egg that picked a Human to bond which was a Red Dragon by the name of Gorados, Lord of the Fire. Gorados would continue to sire all the dragons of the Pendragon line. The Order of Red Dragon is the Kings Knights.  The elite of the King's professional soldier's.  The men and women  earn the title of Knight or Dame  by doing great exploits or feats or heroic acts in battle, or missions. The Knights are well trained in the art of war fare on horses.  The combat tactics learned by the Knights goes clear back to the days when the Pendragons were a barbarian tribe. It was something that was not taught to the other barbarian tribes.  This was part of the rift between the Pendragon clan and the Harker clan.  Because they are elite There is only one brigade of Knights in the Kings army.  They are very deadly in battle and was feared by any enemy that faced them. The Knights consist of the elite fighters and Paladin's of the Land of Avalon. The knight's follow the Pendragons beliefs that the people of Avalon are to  come first before all including themselves. The code of the Knights is one of faith, discipline, and service to the King and the people of Avalon. All Knights are assigned a squire to train and a servant who is there serve the needs of the Knight. Being a Nobel did not guarantee Knighthood.  Many common folk earned the title of Knight which is a noble title. Sir Kay the Green knight one of the most famous Knights of King Arthur and a member of the round table was a mere farmer. This is why the Order of the Red Dragon is respected by all in Avalon. Many historic battles won by Avalon were because of the exploits of the Order of the Red Dragon and the Phoenix Riders. The First 12 Knights Help lay the foundation and laws of the land of Avalon along side King Arthur.



The Order of the Red Dragon is the First Brigade consisting of Three Divisions. There are around 12,000 Knights through out the realm of Avalon. Each battalion consist of a company of Clerics.


The Order of the Red Dragon are issued military standard issues of four sets of Scarlet and blue uniforms. The standard explorers pack with one extra water skin. Two set of fine clothes. Fishing tackle, one healers kit, and one flask. Archers are issued two quivers. All knights are issued a wet stone. Those skilled in the sword are issued plate mail and shield. The archers are issued studded leather.


Every knight is issued what is called a K-Bar (+1 Dagger) Infantry is issued a choice of weapon and shield or a two handed weapon with no shield. Archers are issued a long bow, two quivers, and a rapier or short sword. The Highly skilled horsemen are issued lances.


All the Knights are issued a barded warhorse with plate mail.


The Order of the Red Dragon command structure is the same as the Crimson Dragon and Crimson Guard with the exception of the Round table.  The Round table consist of 12 Knights who help govern the land of Avalon  and council to the King. These wise knights help in picking the leadership of the all the cities, towns and villages as well.  At one time the round table consisted of the Phoenix riders as well and their dragons and the Order of the Red Dragon.



Knighthoods or Damehoods are given to loyal subjects and foreign citizens man or women who have done great deeds and selfless acts for the realm of Avalon. Some of the realms greatest knights were simple farmers. If a person is picked by a dragon to bond with they were also knighted as well.


Starting with the First round table the Order of the Red Dragon has been serving the king since the very beggining.
21 Jupiter, -4910
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