Thaddeus Ironwood Character in YonZora | World Anvil

Thaddeus Ironwood

Background: Thaddeus Ironwood was born in the ancient city of Daggerfall, known for its rugged landscapes and hardy people. From a young age, he exhibited unusual strength and resilience, traits that set him apart from his peers. His destiny was revealed when he bonded with the dragon Emberclaw, marking him as a Dovahkiin. Together, Thaddeus and Emberclaw fought valiantly in the War of the Ancients. The bond with his dragon extended his lifespan, allowing him to live far beyond the years of a normal human. The loss of Emberclaw in the final battle left a profound void in his life.   Appearance: Thaddeus stands at 6 feet 2 inches tall, with a robust and muscular build honed from centuries of hard work and combat. His once dark hair is now streaked with silver, and his blue eyes are filled with the wisdom and sorrow of ages. His face bears the scars of many battles, yet his expression is often calm and contemplative. He wears simple, practical clothing suitable for tending his orchard, with a few pieces of ancient armor and dragon motifs subtly incorporated into his attire.   Personality: Thaddeus is a man of quiet strength and deep reflection. The loss of Emberclaw has made him introspective and occasionally melancholic, but he remains a pillar of wisdom and resilience. He is compassionate and patient, often serving as a mentor to younger generations. His demeanor is generally calm and composed, but he possesses an unyielding determination to protect his home and loved ones.   Skills and Abilities:
  • Orchard Keeping: His extensive experience has made him an expert in cultivating and maintaining his almond orchard, producing high-quality almonds.
  • Combat Proficiency: Thaddeus is skilled in various forms of combat, a remnant of his warrior days, though he prefers not to use these skills unless necessary.
  • Wisdom and Knowledge: His long lifespan has granted him a wealth of knowledge in history, lore, and practical skills, making him a valuable advisor and mentor.
  • Emberclaw’s Blade: A sword forged from the remains of Emberclaw’s scales and imbued with fiery enchantments, kept as a cherished memento.
  • Orchard Tools: High-quality tools for maintaining his almond orchard, including pruning shears, ladders, and harvesting baskets.
Backstory: Thaddeus and Emberclaw were a legendary pair during the War of the Ancients, their fiery attacks turning the tide in many battles. The final battle saw the death of Emberclaw, who sacrificed himself to save Thaddeus from a mortal blow. Devastated by the loss, Thaddeus sought a quieter life, retreating to the village of Bemita. There, he found solace in cultivating a small almond orchard, dedicating himself to the peaceful rhythms of nature.   Current Role: Thaddeus now owns and tends to a small almond orchard in Bemita. His days are filled with the tranquil tasks of caring for his trees, harvesting almonds, and sharing his produce with the community. Despite his preference for a peaceful life, Thaddeus remains vigilant and ready to protect his home if necessary. He often shares stories of his past with those who seek his wisdom, and he mentors young adventurers who come to him for guidance. His presence in Bemita is a source of strength and stability, and his orchard has become a beloved part of the community, symbolizing resilience and renewal.

Thaddeus stands at 6 feet 2 inches tall, with a robust and muscular build honed from centuries of hard work and combat. His once dark hair is now streaked with silver, and his blue eyes are filled with the wisdom and sorrow of ages. His face bears the scars of many battles, yet his expression is often calm and contemplative. He wears simple, practical clothing suitable for tending his orchard, with a few pieces of ancient armor and dragon motifs subtly incorporated into his attire.

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Current Status
Plantation owner in Bemita
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st of Luna
Year of Birth
200 AD 700 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
7th of 8 children.
Current Residence
Thaddeus stands at 6 feet 2 inches tall, with a robust and muscular build honed from centuries of hard work and combat.
blue eyes are filled with the wisdom and sorrow of ages
His once dark hair is now streaked with silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations


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