Thellnora N Azure Settlement in YonZora | World Anvil

Thellnora N Azure

If one knows what to look for on the eastern coast of North Azure just up from the mouth of the Sarzumin river is the capital city of Thellnora in the realm of Imyfelon.  The beautiful land scape of trees and cliffs that  line the northern banks of the Sarzumin river hides this beautiful Sun Elf capital. One granted entry into this city is blind folded or memory wiped to keep it location secret. Only a Sun elf know the way into the city. They would die before they would tell you the location if you tried to force them to tell you.


Absolute Monarchy

Industry & Trade

Fruits, wood, vegetables, fine wine, weapons, Schools of Magic, Jewelry, Magic components, herbs, Magic Items, and Clothes.


Moda's Jewelry Shop: Female Elf Jeweler. Moda has short copper hair and brown eyes, and walks with a limp. She wears modest garments and an iron amulet. Moda sometimes has a magical ring or amulet to sell. Lome's Pottery: The workshop of a female elf potter named Lome, who was once a great wizard, but stumbled into a fortune and retired. The Arena: A large hexagonal amphitheatre, known for its trials by combat. The Pool of Radiance: A small pool of water, which glows with a flickering blue light. It is know for healing, Rejuvenation, and regeneration.  The Cracked Chalice: A fanciful adventures inn for the common folk to stay at.  Cantesandr's Armory: The workshop of a male elf armorer named Cantesandr, who is rumored to craft special chain mail for the Thieves' Guild.
Founding Date
Ruling/Owning Rank
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