Festival of the Dragon. Tradition / Ritual in YonZora | World Anvil

Festival of the Dragon.

This Holiday has only been celebrated for the past 500 years. King Arthur IX proclaimed the holiday after the death of the last known living dragons in the War of the Ancients. Once a year the people of Azure take a day to feast, party, and mourn the death of theĀ  Stewarts of YonZora. A tribute is also given to Bahamut in the areas where their is a temple for the great Dragon Pantheon. Stories are acted out on stage by the bards of the great victory's of this great clan. The Gate Keepers and the Order of the Phoenix are also remembered for there feats in defending Northern Azure form the The Black moon and Black Legion empire. For the races that are still alive from the era its is a somber holiday. The bond between a dragon and a rider can not be explained and the riders that are still alive have a hard time fitting in with the rest of society.


All of North Azure and South Azure celebrate this Holiday. The emperors of Southern Azure after finding out about the Holiday also started to celebrated the holiday as well. The area Duke is responsible for the set up of the holiday.


A sizable town will hold the celebration with neighboring towns joining. The King sends Shekels to these town to pay for the feast and pays the bards who tells and acts out the feats on these once great beast and their riders. Carnivals, games, and tournaments are also ran on this day.


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