Werewolf {playable} Species in YonZora | World Anvil

Werewolf {playable}

There are Three kinds of werewolves. the first is the Pure Blood werewolf created by Poseidon to fight the Vampires and other undead creatures. The second is the Rogue Werewolves who are evil and desire power and riches and think that they are better than a human. The third is the Cursed humans bitten by a rogue and lives and become a murderous monster killing friend and foe who can only be controlled by there master who bit them.   Pure Blood born werewolves:
  • These 12 clans mostly live in area of Soteropolis and keep to them selves. They have family's and fit in to the society. These clans run business in the towns they reside in trading what ever there specialty is. The local populace have no clue that they are werewolves and apricate there products that are produced by the various clans that is sold in the inns and markets. Pure Blood werewolves can change to wolf or Hybrid form at any time. If they are seen changing by the populace they will leave that area and start over someplace else. Secrecy is the key to their existence. There function is to protect the people from the dreaded vampires and other undead creatures. They will hunt rogue werewolves as well to protect there identity. Unlike the cursed werewolves silver has no effect on a nature born werewolf, only magical weapons will harm them.
Rogue Werewolves:
  • Unfortunalley their are pure blood born werewolves who rebelled againts there clans ethics and laws and want power for them selves. They become Alpha of there own clans and will bite people giving them the curse and lead them in murder rampages. The people they bite most of time don't even know that they are werewolves and only change on the full moon. The Alpha will spend the 27 days between the transformation looking for victims study there patterns and attack them stealing there goods and wealth. These rogues are flat out viscous and will attack on site. The Pure blood alpha and a few of his lieutenants split the wealth amongst them selves. Rogue werewolves are thieves and cheats who have given the Pure Blood born a bad reputation. These packs keep on the move and stay away from areas where they know the pure blood born clans are. For the victim's that are bitten and do the dirty work of the Alpha are usually killed by the Alpha when he leaves for the next town to keep his secret.
Cursed Werewolves:
  • These are the poor souls who have been bitten by the rogues for the soul purpose of being used by the rogues to gain riches. These werewolves don't know they are a werewolf until they have there first transformation. This is a painful transformation and they are not able to control there carnal instinct and will kill anything alive or undead. These cursed werewolves are the most dangerous because they can not control when they turn and can not tell the difference between friend and foe. They go on murderous rampages under the guidance of the alpha who bit them. Cursed werewolves can only turn on the full moon. Silver and Magic weapons can harm these cursed creatures. Cursed werewolves are often murdered by there alphas after they have served the alpha's needs because of the murderous uncontrolled nature of the cursed werewolf. 

Basic Information


A bipedal walking hybrid wolf or shape shifter that is more powerful and way more dangerous than a regular wolf. These creatures can do a lot of damage to all who get in there way especially the Undead (x2 againts undead x3 againts vampires)

Genetics and Reproduction

They are able to reproduce in there human forms.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow as a normal human child.

Ecology and Habitats

There are 12 clans most of them in the Soteropolis region of Avalon.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivores and eat lots of meat but to fit in with the humanoids they can eat vegetables, fruits, and nuts like any humanoid.

Biological Cycle

They can live longer that a human and are able to fit and adjust to what ever climate they are in.


A pure blood raised by a clan will turn when they reach puberty. They are taught by there clan about the change and will remember the transformation. Pure bloods not raised by clans will not turn unless a cursed werewolf or undead creature of any type after they reach puberty. They will not remember there transformation but have dreams of the transformation not understanding what is going on. Pure bloods not raised by clans are in danger of being hunted by humanoids because they do not remember there transformation. The humanoids don't understand there nature and what they were created for. The cursed only can change during the full moon and are the most dangerous of the werewolves because they cannot control there carnivorous beast and will kill any thing including a pureblood with the exception of the Alpha that bit them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can sense there own species and the undead with in a half a mile.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Created by Poseidon
Conservation Status
It is under the protection of the Pantheon Poseidon as long as the clans follow the by laws established by Poseidon.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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