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The Twenty-Third Day of Eleint 2020 in the Nurian Era, during the Season of Loende


The motivation behind building Yore

To stumble into moments of bizarre fantasy, discoveries of lost lore, cinematic heroism, forbidding darkness, and surreal comedy.   To uncover mysterious lost lore and beings of power, building and recording the world as we invent it though play.   To weave strands of epic story together as the characters interact with the peoples, denizens, and artifacts of the world.

The goal of the project

An epic D&D tale full of swashbuckling combat, intrigue and mystery, dark sorcery, foolhardy heroism, strange archaeology, and veins of humour.

Yore's Unique Selling point

An ancient and magical world in which good and evil must learn to work together in order to overcome an embedded, alien threat to all existence!



High fantasy with grimdark undertones and eldritch horror, lightened by the comic exploits of the player characters.

Reader Experience

The world teeters on the brink of the calamities of the ancient past being repeated. Through discovering this buried past, and the lost artifacts that overthrew evil then, the people of Yore might just stand a chance...

Reader Tone

Different regions of the world have different feels, from late medieval Europe to the Dark Ages and even elements of the Bronze Age.   Magic is powerful and unpredictable, sinister cults and bizarre abominations abound, and the denizens of the Outer Planes are all too real.

Recurring Themes

Recurring themes include...   A spreading, mutating corruption of nature known as the Shadow.   Buried and slumbering alien gods that are beginning to stir.   A wickedness darkening the hearts of the Elves.   Demonic cults and unholy cabals spreading their influence.   Mystic augurs and lost artifacts of power.   The notion that good and evil are two sides of the same coin, but there is a greater evil that wishes to destroy that coin altogether...

Character Agency

The characters have total agency - they alone can save the world from certain doom... or condemn it!


The clash of civilisations and internal conflicts between and within cultures.
External threats from overseas: invading empires of the undead and the undying.
The rise of demons and impotency of the Gods Ascendant.
The relevance of ancient lore and fading sorceries to the current conflict.


The sentient Old Margreve Forest has gone insane.
Something has driven the entire tribe of Urzin from the Festering Marshes.
Evil beings are plotting to awaken the Great Old Ones and bring about the Reign of Shadow.
The nations and ancestries of Yore are too fragmented and incapable of alliances against a greater threat.
Various evil factions, shady organisations, demon cultists and denizens of the Underdark are competing to find a powerful artifact which only in the hands of the righteous could bring victory against this slumbering evil.
Malign and ancient entities are feeding the influence of evil cults, magically enslaving entire nations, and corrupting the minds of the powerful to realise their own despicable desires for godhood or dominion.