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The Twenty-Third Day of Eleint 2020 in the Nurian Era, during the Season of Loende


The History of Yore so far

Civilisations equivalent to Bronze Age empires; hidden Elven tribes; draconic stewards of the gods; ancient and buried Dwarfish kingdoms that met with calamity and despair.

Current Species & Cultures

The sundered civilsations of the Elves; the secretive and insular cantons of the Dwarfs; decadent human kingdoms; nomadic orcs and centaurs; savage halflings and gnolls; and many others detailed herein.

Needs & Relations

The Elves are lost in internal squabbles; the Dwarfs trade with a great civilisation to the east; the humans resist orcish incursions, whilst the orcs wish to regain the lost lands of their proud nations; most other cultures simply seek to survive, rather than flourish, in a hostile world.