
The Pagh are a species of bipedal boar-like aliens who are known throughout the galaxy as barbaric and lecherous pirates.   Their origins can be traced before the Silvarian-Kaechulugg War. Their progenitors were genetically enhanced by an unknown alien species as a source of meat in early space colonization. This Protopagh was quadrupedal, less evolved, but excellent at finding and consuming alien flora and breeding with a bountiful genetic code. Deploying a dozen of these creatures on a planet would mean a guaranteed food source for alien settlers as well as destabilizing a habitable planet's natural ecosystem in a more crude form of terraforming for less technological colonists. Paleontological studies have discovered thousands of these Protopagh fossils on worlds spanning sovereign and pirate territories.   However, the Pagh's evolution was accelerated when they were dispersed on a planet near a cosmic anomaly caused by a black hole. Compressing time, propelling their biology millions of years over the centuries. With this advancement and the technology their creators left behind, the externally progressed Pagh quickly attained spacefaring status.   Despite their repulsive appearance, the Pagh are highly intelligent and have managed to thrive in the lawless regions of space. They are known for their aggressive and cunning tactics, often ambushing and plundering unsuspecting ships for their valuable cargo. The Pagh have also managed to establish a few trade routes through sovereign space, and many have become System Lords in Pirate Territories.   The Pagh are a formidable force in the galaxy, and many species avoid crossing them at all costs. They are a constant threat to those who dare to venture into their territory, and their reputation as ruthless and barbaric pirates is well-earned.    


  Being a textbook exprog species, there is little to credit them for in the ways of technological advancement. All of their technology up to space travel was reverse-engineered from the remains of technology left behind by their creators. Ever since, the Pagh have salvaged, repurposed, and, at best, reverse-engineered the technology of other spacefaring species.   That is not to give them credit. They are undeniably resourceful. And unlike exprog species such as the Kruxak, who cannot build and maintain safe and reliable space transportation, the Pagh's ability to jerry-rig different species' technologies has been undeniably impressive.   The only true invention attributed to the Pagh is the "Paghi Blunderbuss." Worth approximately 2c in most arms retailers throughout the Galaxy, given away free in other Pirate rackets.

"An absolute triumph."  
  • Shitty Weapons Weekly, issue #231.
  • Basic Information

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Like their Protopagh ancestor, the Pagh are extremely fertile and come to their maturity fast. Due to the genetic tampering by their creators, the Pagh genome is broken in and primed for further modification. Hence they've enhanced their strength and reproductive capability. Just as they're capable of consuming any food source, so to they've made themselves capable of breeding with any mammal species they mate with, with a 98% success rate and a 73% increase in the pregnancy cycle. This has made the Pagh a widespread species in the Galaxy, despite many systems legalizing the killing of Paghs.   With every action comes an equal and opposite reaction, and with the emergence of Pagh hunters come Pagh breeding cults dedicated to ruthlessly propagating the species. While boarding passenger ships, abducting and/or raping all females aboard, and selling the ship and goods as contraband is standard fare for the Paghs (and pirates in general), there are System Lords who fund Pagh breeding vessels dedicated to ambushing vessels, raping all females aboard, disabling their FTL capabilities, and tracking it with an estimated time for birth. Arriving to collect the offspring after an estimated time, or else.

    There are simply Pagh breeding ships, using tractor beams to pull in targets, board, take all female passengers, and mark the ship for later collection.  
    It was fucked man... [Takes drag off nicstim] I was a commercial pilot for this corporation passing between the or'Gah and Kaig systems, no sling drivesl so it was just supralight propulsion. So I was passing by when I hear a distress call, some poor guy was stuck in space, he had the registry, the video call for help, was fully responsive and everything. I heard of scams like this and I wanted to call it in, flag him for the AGF to come help but... they'd ask questions and I was carrying a little extra cargo for a third party. So I went off course, maybe I could bring him on board.   Well the next thing I knew, the signal went dead and my supralight core went out. Then I saw the big green lights...   So the Pagh boarded, they had guns. They messed with my ship's equipment, wrapped something around my face, and next thing I knew... they had me. I can't remember when I woke up, first I saw lights, then some blurry colors. Eventually I saw other girls, naked and strapped into the wall across me, and to my left, to my right. Some of their bellies were swollen, their nipples big, most of them were I think. I felt a burning over my ass, were  they branded me.  [Turns around, lifts back of shirt to show interviewer] I've still got it. We were all wired in, my mouth, my tits, all had tubes coming and going, keeping us normal. Without needing too much supervision. But... when they did show up... our... Masters. They just... all they did was fuck. It's all they ever did. [Did they ever talk to you?] Once or twice, they'd say something mean, like "good girl" or "thanks baby" or meaner stuff than that. [How long were you in there?] I think the AGF told me two years, but they pumped things into me that made it feel shorter. Sometimes things that made it feel... good. [Did you get pregnant?] A lot... yes. [How many times?] I don't know.  
  • Anonymous Pagh victim

  • Classification

    Bipedal swine
    Hair color

    Brown, pink, green
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

    Brown, pink, green

    Brown, green, blue, amber, yellow, red (some have observed that Pagh retain the retina color of their mother species)


    Chuulugi (capable of Silvarik)
    Galactica scale


    Average Height
    Average Weight
    520 pounds
    Geographic Distribution