Batzuash Settlement in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Attention, visitors to Batzuash! What you have heard is true. Imperial Laws are in force here, however, most minor infractions are not heavily enforced. This city was founded by and for the more "monstrous" and "savage" of imperial denizens, and we like it that way.   Be prepared to defend yourself and your property. Carrying weapons and traveling in groups in encouraged. If you feel your life is in danger, feel free to call for the guard, but most reports of minor assaults, threats, and thefts will not be followed up on. Fights are not broken up if lethal force is not being used. If you appear vulnerable, you will be mugged.   You have been warned.   P.S. To all humans, dwarves, halflings, elves, etc. Yes, you will feel out of place here. Suck it up and get used to it. Some of us feel that way everywhere else.   -Governor Grendela


The largest population in Batzuash is the native lizardfolk, but there are also significant numbers of Orcs, Goblinoids, Dragonborn, Yuan-Ti, Tortles, Kobolds, and other "Monster" races.   "Human-like" races, like Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, etc are in a minority.  

Minor Characters:

  • Lord Romerot: A wealthy Half-Orc who deals in exotic animals and enjoys betting on death matches. (jail) Noble friends: Dudikov (Hobgoblin), Mardizone (Dragonborn), Sinolia (Aarakokra)
  • Randilus - Guard Captain for Grendela. Lamia
  • "Jiggie": Hobgoblin samurai arena master
  • Oras Thusrusk: Lizardfolk pirate captain who ran an illegal death fighting ring in an abandoned temple. (dead)
  • Gu'Durkal: Lizardfolk who worked for Oras, running the betting booth (jail).
  • Burk'gu'rok: Gu'Durkal's son. Staying in an orphanage


Despite being part of the empire, laws in Batzuash are much less enforced. Most minor infractions like theft, fights, and scams are ignored by law enforcement. Citizens are expected to be able to defend themselves and their property.

Industry & Trade

Batzuash's greatest export is soldiers, having large populations of rapidly-reproducing races, such as goblins and orcs. Despite the free-wielding anarchistic culture of the city itself, there is a great respect for the military, and many people of batzuash choose to go into the military as a permanent career, using the city mostly as a home to let off steam between deployments.   Other than that the city primarily sells and exports lumber, exotic fruit, wild beasts, leather, furs, and other natural raw materials, with little in the way of manufacturing or skilled craftsmanship (with the exception of leather goods).   The city also has a large gambling scene, due to the lax oversight from the government.


Most notable bits of infrastruture in the city are:  
  • Burugashi Arena (the Jungle Gym): A huge stadium in the center of the city where fights and contests are held. The arena mostly consists of a honeycombed clay and wood structure with several levels. In the center of several layered stands is a large sand-filled arena filled with sand. The governor has a special box here where she makes announcements and proceeds over popular events.
  • Freedom Tower: A tall tower in the center of Batzuash which acts as city hall. Not actually a solid tower, the building instead is constructed out of several tall tree trunks tipped together in a primative tower-like shape, wrapped in support beams and leather tarps, loosely shielding the interior from the sun and elements. Rather than levels, the inside of the tower is filled with hanging basket-rooms made of thick weave vines and natural materials. The top of the tower is a wooden treehouse, serving as the governor's home and office. The governor keeps her large pet bat and gliders on the roof for quick travel through the city.


Notable Businesses:

  • Hellzone: A tiefling run casino styled after the Nine Hells. It's founder, [Mammon Rathius] (real name unknown), built it shortly after Trisha dropped the restrictions on tieflings, and intentionally leaned into the devil aesthetic as a form of spite against the years of discrimination. The casino intentionally hires and well-pays mostly tieflings, especially as game-runners and servers, with many wearing provocative and hell-inspired attire. Gambling can be done with gold or teeth, which is a very cheap, fun-only currency used to get cheap prizes or bar discounts. The intention of this low-cost option is for either those looking only for fun and drinks, or as an alternative for those with a gambling addiction.
  • Valkyrie's Secret: A magical bra store. In addition to normal underwear, they sell enchanted bras and panties at different "tiers" (from deluxe to "Adventurwoman's Package"), which have various convenient features such as anti-sweat lining, insect repellent, insensible straps, magical resizing, magic pushup/support, type changing, "boob window" creation, and extra-dimensional cleavage pocket. The business is the third store in a chain started in Heimdar after the Empire occupation, with stores in Helgafell and Ahbastar as well. A new store is planned to go up in the All Capitol soon. The president is an unnamed Half-Elf woman.


Batzuash was founded by its governor, Grendela, and many of her troops and followers, as a home city for the "monstrous" races who, up till that point were not welcome in the cities that became the Empire. Grendela's service as a general was conditional on her being able to establish such a city, and after helping Emperor Leonidas conquer Azur'Nethal, she did. Even if everyone was welcome in the "All Capitol" she had her doubts whether those of monstrous races would really belong there, and if that equality would last, so she established Batzuash to be a true home to those who society had scorned for so long.


Many varied clay and wooden huts slap-dashed together wherever someone wanted to build one. Many different and undisciplined styles can be seen.


A sizable river cuts through the city.
Founding Date
Location under
Owning Organization

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