Burugashi Jungle Settlement in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Burugashi Jungle

Southeast of the Sen'Saret desert, a thick, mostly untamed jungle inhabited by lizardfolk and other reptilian creatures. The capitol is Batzuash, a city founded shortly after the founding of the Empire as an intended "new homeland" for the more "monstrous" races of the Empire.


Significant lumber yards


Before the empire, the jungle was largely considered a savage wilderness infested with lizardfolk and other "lesser" races. The Empire, of course, absorbed and incorporated these races into its unification. The population of the area has exploded largely due to immigration to Batzuash.


In contrast to the Sen'Sarat Desert to the north, the Burugashi jungle is wet, overgrown, and crawling with life (mostly mosquitos). Most of its area is a dense, humid jungle, most of which is still untamed and unexplored.

Natural Resources

Lumber and animal life. Some spices and exotic fruits.
National Territory
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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