Brekor Organization in Yumurta | World Anvil
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A primarily dwarven Kingdom occupying the sourthern end of the Axe Blade Mountains, which divide the western continent in half north-south. It is an old kingdom made recently young by their recent secession from The Empire of All three years ago. All races are accepted within its border (a rule mandated by the laws of imperial secession), but the culture is distinctly dwarven.


Brekor is a constitutional monarchy, ruled by an appointed High King, chosen from one of many noble families, and a council of elders, which includes multiple races.   The current king is Armdalum Coinborn, from the respected Coinborn clan. He will remain King for life, unless removed by the council, and his eldest heir will inherit the throne, unless disputed by the council.


As a mountainous dwarven kingdom, their main assets are mining and crafting, at which they excel. The Axeblade mountains, while mineral rich, are poor for food production, and so they control some neighboring grassland and part of the western coast as well. These regions are primarily populated by humans and hill dwarves.


The kingdom of Brekor. Originally a long standing dwarvish kingdom situated in the southern Axeblade Mountains, which controlled much of the surrounding desert and dry rockland. It was conquered by the Empire in the early years of its conquest, by General Edith Chekhovitch, who killed their king and brought them into the Empire. Once Empress Trisha offered conquered regions the right to secede, the people of Brekor debated a long time to decide whether they wanted to, and even longer finding an implementation that satisfied both the dwarves yearning for cultural identity and independence and the Empire that wanted to protect racial rights. After 12 years, they came to an agreement, and Brekor became an independent constitutional monarchy, ruled by a newly appointed High King, chosen from one of many noble families, and a council of elders, which would include multiple races.

Demography and Population

Brekor is primarily populated by dwarves, though many people of other races moved their during the period Brekor was part of the Empire, giving it several significant minority populations. The largest of these minority groups is Gnomes, who were already numerous and well accepted in the old Brekor. Other major groups are Duergar, who were long time enemies of the Brekorian dwarves from deep beneath the earth before the Empire conquered them as well; and Goblins and Kobolds, who occupied many caves and warrens scattered throughout the mountains, but were seen as little more than scavengers and bandits before the Empire made them citizens. Halflings and humans occupy much of the small towns and villages in the lands surrounding the mountains. Most other races are rare, but easily found in well-populated areas.


Major Settlements:   Karout: Capitol City - built in an active volcano Karlodar A mining city slowly built up in a cylinder bore mine. Dunkof: Other settlement, known for selling gems


The official religion of Brekor is Muradin, the creator god of dwarves, who, according to legend, crafted them from rock and metal, gave them life, and hollowed out the mountains to be their homes. Brekorians were quick to dismantle the official churches built by the Empire for Erathis, and replace them with temples to Muradin.   Due to Imperial Law, all non-evil religions are tolerated in Brekor.

Foreign Relations

Brekor maintains a friendly relationship, as per Imperial mandate, with the Empire, though they are eager to flex their independence however they can. They also have peaceful trade relations with the Okeanus Alliance north of them, but there are tensions, since Okeanus was quick to take advantage of them and give them a much worse deal once they split from the Empire.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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