Emerald Set Society Organization in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Emerald Set Society

A prominant social club in The Empire of All, which has outstanding social and political influence. It is also the cult of Jaesra, the Smiling Maiden, which is a sort of open secret among those in imperial high society. The society is outwardly a political organization/private school for training young children on politics, government, and business. It really trains them in illusion, deception, seduction, and social manipulation, for the purpose of being able to influence who is in power. Politicians, officials, and high ranking businessmen alike pay respect to the goddess and hire her clerics to win positions for them or take down rivals. Those who displease her, or are unwilling to play her games are often cursed with having their deepest secrets exposed, or having nasty rumors about them take root.

Divine Origins

The Emerald Set Society started among powerful members of Azur'Nethal, who saw the opportunity for power by worshiping the goddess of their Tabaxi slaves. After the Empire was formed, the society saw the way the current was shifting and made big shifts in order to survive, pivoting their efforts into helping the political transition. Many tabaxi were quickly recruited into their ranks, who themselves saw an opportunity to quickly advance in the social ladder and re-aquire an aspect of their culture.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Cult of Jaesra

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