Ilaria Veldasquo Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Ilaria Veldasquo

The second child and eldest daughter of the Veldasquo family. Ilaria is a beautiful, graceful, and cunning cleric of Jaesra, whose powers of deceit she has long used to aid her family's standing.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Her makeup is always subtle, yet perfect.

Special abilities

Ilaria is a powerful cleric of Jaesra, and draws much divine magic from her faith, with a strong emphasis on illusionary and enchantment magic.   Ilaria is in possession of a Black Dragonmark, the Mark of Shadows, which she gained after being resurrected by Khaleem.   Ilaria's body has been slightly elementally destabilized towards fire. She possessed a burning ember above her heart.

Apparel & Accessories

Ilaria wears a variety of beautiful and daring outfits, each one seemingly unique compared to the last. She prefers to show a lot of skin, especially in her casual wear, often putting her at odds with her father, who has a less daring preference for what his children should wear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ilaria was rescued by her sister, Elena, and her comrades after being kidnapped by a Black Dragon, who wanted to torture her in retaliation for burning her jungle.


Ilaria attended the "Merin Chase Academy" (formerly known as the "Merin Chase Girls' Academy") after her father made a considerable donation to guarantee her entrance. The school itself is largely a private academy, mostly attended by young girls, of high class society, teaching its students to be classy ladies (and lords).   The school also serves the duel purpose of recruiting girls to join the cult of Jaesra, the "Smiling Maiden" and goddess of illusions. Ilaria was picked from among her peers and went through a special curriculum to become a cleric of Jaesra, who train to become spies and political movers within the Empire, gathering secrets and dirt on powerful individuals, both domestic and foreign.

Mental Trauma

Illaria has struggled with mental health ever since she failed her father's test, and had the boutique she had worked hard to create taken away and crushed. On her next assignment, she set the jungle aflame, intending to kill herself in the blaze in order to hurt and spite her father. Though she succeeded, she regretted her choice at the last moment, not wanting her sister, Elena, to find her body.


Contacts & Relations

Ilaria was a member of the Emerald Set Society, a powerful social group secretly based out of the Cult of Jaesra and girls of the Merin Chase Academy. Its members are identified by particular emerald sets of jewelry. The society wields much social and political power in the city, influencing many political figures who pay them respect and offerings, and destroying the careers of those who go against them.   As a member of this society, Ilaria has been submerged in the politics and social battles of the Empire for years, using its influence to raise her family's status, while also performing the deception, manipulation, and seduction called upon her as a member.   Recently, Ilaria confessed to having quit the society after being asked to teach some new girls picked to be trained as clerics of Jaesra.

Family Ties

Ilaria's relationship to her family is a tense one. Through much of her life, she seemed to be doing everything to please her father, using the social influence of the Emerald Set Society to move their family up the social ladder. However, more recently, her relationship with her father has been strained. According to her, her father began to see her social endeavors as more of an expense than an investment, and gave her a test: take 10,000 gold and double it in a year. She made a honest attempt, building up a business with her own efforts, hiring people she knew and trusted, and building up a strong foundation. However, though she made a profit, it did not reach her father's goal, and he took her work, and destroyed it. Erased the business, sold its assets, and fired everyone involved. Ilaria lost a lot of friends as a result.   Ilaria and her mother had never been particularly close, but had always been praised for being such a beutiful daughter. More recently, however, Ilaria seems to have gotten fed up with her Mother's seeming lack of care in her children.   Ilaria and her brother, Radnor, have always been at odds. Though in public settings they put on a good show of being the 'great and talented' siblings, in private, they bickered and resented one another, constantly in competition for what limited praise their father had to give.   Harry, who has always been like a member of the family since he was informally adopted, generally gets along with everyone, Ilaria included. But Ilaria has always kept him at a bit of a distance, despite his efforts to get closer to her.   Finally, with her little sister, Elena, she has been cold for years. By her own confession, Ilaria had written off Elena at a young age as another pawn of her father's, someone who didn't matter and wouldn't accomplish anything. She says that she regrets doing that, and has made a rather sudden and unexpected effort to apologize and "save" Elena.  
"It's too late for Radnor and me. But, I don't want you to lose your soul."

Religious Views

Though she's quit the Emerald Set Society, Ilaria hasn't given up on Jaesra. She sees the Smiling Maiden as one of the only people that has her back.

Social Aptitude

As a cleric of Jaesra, Ilaria is an expert of social climbing and manipulation. She owns the room when she wants to, and can slip out of the spotlight without effort.
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd of Unicorns, 3142
Deep Blue
Long, Strawberry Blonde with dyed streaks (currently blue)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale, practically translucent

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