Jintrin Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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A Black Dragonborn Paladin of Tiamat. Jintrin was a member of a group of five champions that served Tiamat directly through visions and oracles. The other members were a Red Dragonborn Paladin, a Blue Dragonborn Paladin, a Green Dragonborn Wizard, and a White Dragonborn Cleric. Together, they attacked Raina, Opal, and Ira in The All Capital, kidnapping Opal because she broke her pact with Tiamat through the dragon spear she used. There, they tortured her and chopped off her arm in a ritual to create a dragon egg from a fragment of her soul, creating a new type of dragon. This egg eventually became Syl.   However, seeing the cruelty to Opal, Jintrin had second thoughts. When Raina, Ira, Milla, and Lee came to rescue her, Jintrin changed sides and fought his own comrades to free her. Afterwards, he tried to take the egg and go into exile to protect it, but Opal didn't want him to, and as they argued over it, it fell, and hatched into a tiny, premature-born hatchling with shimmering crystal scales, and a diamond on her head. So, instead, Jintrin swore to follow Opal and help protect the new creature, seeing it as the next stage of Tiamat's plan for the world.  


As he promised he stayed with Opal and Syl for a number of years to help protect and watch over the young Syl. During that time, he learned more about Opal, the monks, and who he was and what he wanted. Syl learned to accept him, and sorta saw him as a grumpy uncle to torment, and occassionally open up to. Eventually, when Syl was a bit more grown and he felt he was no longer needed, he struck off on his own. Figuring out that he should make his own home rather than waiting for it to appear, he gathered many of his people, and founded a small remote nation where Dragonborn could live together and build a new culture. Inspired by Istarra, he tried to teach the dragonborn that they should worship and respect their mother-goddess, but it was their duty to curb her violent instincts and become good children that could get their mother under control.   He eventually had a son, whom he named Jinseth.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Jintrin is fiercly honorable, but is motivated, most of all, by a sense of homelessness. He, like many dragonborn, feel as though he is adrift without a place to belong in this world where his species has become increasingly rare. This feeling eventually led him to learn more of the ancient dragonborn empire, and eventually, to swear an oath to Tiamat to help claim a place for he and his people. Though his honorable nature has led him to acknowledge the evil and violent nature of his mother-goddess, he still believes in her motherly nature and tries to serve her while abating her crueler tendencies. He sees his mission to watch over Syl, and protect this new form of life so that it, like him, can find its proper place in a world that was once created for them alone.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Scales

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