Sen'Sarat Desert Geographic Location in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Sen'Sarat Desert

A vast desert that expands over much of the Southern Peninsula on the continent of Tutogh. It is home to endless dunes of sand, ancient ruins of the Dragonborn Empire, as well as dangerous giant monsters. For many milenia, it was home to dozens of short-lived warring kingdoms and slave-states, but is well known now as the heart of the Empire of All.


The Sen'Saret is hundreds of miles across, spreading across a vast region. Most of its land is covered in shifting dunes of sand, with the occasional lush oasis with a village centered around it. In the East, the desert goes right up to the ocean, resulting in sandy cliffs and rocky beaches. The northern edge of the desert gives way to stony badlands, and eventually dry, patchy grasslands. The western side of the desert becomes rocky crags as it is blocked by the Axe Blade Mountains. In the south the desert turns into the tall, desolate highlands of Kuravale to the southeast, and the marsh Lizardfolk mudlands of the southwest.

Fauna & Flora

As a desert, the Sen'Saret lacks most forms of plant-life. However, it is home to many forms of cacti, desert grass, as well as tropical ferns and palm trees that grow around the desert's oases.

Natural Resources

What the Sen'Saret lacks in life it makes up for in vast mineral resources. Vast wealth is found beneath the sands in the form of precious jewels, and veins of iron and gold. These resources have been the main source of The Empire of All's economic power.
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