Spring Green Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Spring Green

Full Name: Spring Green Leaves Floating Down a Forest Stream.   Spring Green is the mother of Winter Green, and the proprietor of the Snuggly Duckling. She is a loving, if free-wheeling mother, and a gentle, people-loving soul.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spring Green was born the bastard child of Summer Days, a concubine, and Lord Visier Murtandati Rais, one of the high nobles in Azur'Nethal. Her mother, a full-blooded tabaxi, was little more than a prisoner, but did not push any of that spite onto her daughter, Spring, who she raised with love. Spring grew up mostly ignorant of the injustice surrounding her, instead living comfortably and pampered within palace walls.   When the city fell to Emperor Leonidas at the establishment of the Empire, she and her mother were freed. One of the only memories Spring had of seeing her father was at his execution, where he was hanged. Summer joined the military shortly after, both out of gratitude to the Empire that had given her freedom, and as a substitute for Spring, who was almost of age for required service. Spring began working for Dilaria at the newly established Silk Oasis, doing odd jobs at first, and eventually becoming a bartender.   At some point, Spring fell in love with a deliveryman who brought alcohol for the bar. One thing led to another and she made a mistake with her birth control (though Winter herself is not a mistake, but a "surprise" as Spring insists). She debated for a long while, but eventually decided to keep the baby. On her way to tell the father though, she was accosted by a knifeman who attempted to kidnap her. Winter's father happened to come along at the same time, and tried to rescue her, wrestling the man over the knife. He was stabbed in the chest, and in rage, Spring sliced out the killer's eyes, before rushing to her lover's side. The killer escaped, and the man died in Spring's arms, all while asking again and again if she was okay.   After that incident, Spring was moved into Witness Protection under Detective Chebalt. She was told that the man who attacked her was a serial killer, still at large, and had to be moved around for her own protection. She lived unstably, in different parts of the Empire during her pregnancy and Winter's early years, before eventually coming back to work as a bartender at the Silk Oasis again, trying to get by.   Summer died as a soldier sometime during Winter's early life, never getting to meet her granddaughter.   More misfortune came as Spring began coming down with a mysterious illness, stopping her from working for long stretches of time, and eventually leaving her bedridden. This seemed to go away one particular Queensmas, but who knows when it will flare up again?   At some point, she saved up enough money to buy a cafe of her own, the Snuggly Duckling.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Spring is quite good at painting, and paints all of the signs and art for her cafe.


Family Ties

Spring, and thus Winter, are technically descended from Azur'Nethal royalty.
Current Location
Year of Birth
3128 42 Years old
All Capitol
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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