The Shining Spiral

The Shining Spiral is a female-centered religious movement dedicated to the worship of Ailsa Nadezhda and Moatilliata, who together represent the ideals of love and companionship between women, be it romantic, platonic or otherwise.   The clergy are a mixed group of priestesses of Ailsa and Moatilliata, who worship in isolated refuges and temples, providing a safe haven for any women who wish it. Some of the followers are women who seek other women as bedfellows, and some are heterosexual or even chaste women who simply prefer the company of other women.   Temples of the Shining Spiral are often havens for bards, poets and other artists who make art devoted to praising feminine form and ideals. It is very rare for any males to be allowed inside a temple or refuge, and any who seek entry are politely turned away at the entrance. Sometimes prepubescent boys from nearby villages are hired on as stableboys, pages and groundskeepers, and for other menial tasks around the grounds, but these boys are almost never allowed inside any of the holy buildings.   The Shining Spiral also has a more militant (and publicly disavowed) arm called the Pinwheel, composed mostly of paladins and clerics of Moatilliata who seek justice on those who have harmed women, rapists especially. The Pinwheel's violent nature is often frowned upon by the mainstream of the Shining Spiral, especially those members who are followers of Ailsa Nadezhda.


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