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A city sitting in the Great Pancake Plains.

Points of interest

  • The Flatiron Keep - A castle-like structure that stands tall at the center of the city, serving as a defensive bastion and a testament to the ingenuity of the ancient architects who designed it to withstand the powerful gusts of the Pancake Plains. Its walls are curved like the surface of a giant pancake, offering a smooth face to the winds while its interior is a maze of corridors and chambers that allow for swift movement and protection from the elements.
  • The Windwhisper Market - An open-air bazaar where merchants from across the plains gather to sell their exotic goods. Stalls are equipped with sturdy awnings and weighted bases to prevent them from being blown away, and the bustling atmosphere is filled with the sound of bargaining and the flapping of colorful fabrics.
  • The Pancake Panorama - A circular restaurant at the city's highest point, offering a 360-degree view of the endless plains. The restaurant rotates slowly to give diners a full view of the surrounding landscape while they enjoy dishes that incorporate the local pancake culture.
  • The Archive of the Horizon - A library and observatory where scholars study the mysteries of the plains. The building is designed to minimize the effects of the flat terrain, with its domed roof serving as a lens to gather and focus light, providing natural illumination for the countless tomes and scrolls within.
  • The Flying Batter - A hot air balloon port that allows for rapid transportation and sightseeing across the plains. The balloons are shaped like oversized pancakes and are painted with whimsical designs that make them a delightful spectacle in the sky.
  • The Foundation Gardens - A series of lush, circular gardens that encircle the city, each centered around a deep well that reaches the water table beneath the plains. The gardens are a tranquil oasis in the otherwise barren landscape, with a variety of plants that have adapted to the unique conditions of Battersea.
  • The House of the Windy Wanderer - A legendary inn where travelers share tales of their adventures. The walls are adorned with carvings of mythical creatures said to roam the Great Pancake Plains, and the innkeeper, Old Breezy, is known for his vast knowledge of the area and his ability to predict the coming weather.
  • The Flour Tower - A towering granary that supplies the city with the finest grains for its famous pancake recipes. It has become a symbol of Battersea's prosperity and self-sufficiency in the face of the harsh environment.
  • The Syrup Springs - A natural phenomenon on the outskirts of the city where sweet, sticky liquid bubbles up from the ground. It is believed to be the secret ingredient in Battersea's world-renowned pancake syrups and is carefully harvested and protected by the city's inhabitants.
  • The Whipping Wind Amphitheater - An open-air performance venue where the acoustics are naturally enhanced by the plains' wind currents. Performers often incorporate the wind into their acts, creating haunting melodies and mesmerizing visuals that can be heard and seen for miles around.
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