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Haymeslandian Empire


  Not much is known about the Haymeslandian Empire outside of its borders. The bitter cold and dry weather generally discourage those with weak constitutions from entering, and those who persevere must cross over a series of craggy mountainous ranges to enter further inland. However, it is commonly accepted that this is where Dragonborn have seemed to originate from. There is a republic which rules over the empire.
  • Population: Predominantly Dragonborn and Dwarves, Giant-kin: Goliaths, Firblogs,
  • Exports: Delicate/Intricate Jewelry, Finely crafted armor and weapons
  • Resources/Abundance: Skilled Craftsmanship, some metal ores
  • Reputation/Stereotype: Haymeslandians are seen as skilled crafters and experts at their jobs. They are also seen as cold and unemotional, and isolationist.
  • International Relations: The Haymesland Empire does not involve itself within international drama. The most important relation they have is to trade, as imports from Olomondia allow them to create their crafts.
  • Cities: Wyrmron (Capitol), Newbig, Burg

Notable Cities

  • Wyrmron - The dragonborn central and original home. Also, the capitol of the Haymeslandian Empire. Moreover, it is said to host the greatest population of dragons.
  • Newbig - A main trading central near the basin of rivers.
  • Burg - A central for dwarves of all kinds, amazingly crafted and forged products are made here.
"Cold as an ice giant's ass, but worth it for the view!" Kava Dornvis
Geopolitical, Country

Working Relationship

Working Relationship

Working Relationship

Working Relationship


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