Zaron the World of Dusk Tyrant's Pride

The Seventh of Alturiak 5875 AD

Created by

Writers Team

Many years ago, a shocking event claimed the multiverse, and spread chaos throughout the cosmos. Fear spread throughout all beings causing a resonance that only the oldest of souls could withstand. The Divine Proletariat have tried to mend this eternal wound for millennia but only one has managed to alter the cycle of inanity and confusion. The self proclaimed Queen of the Change once reshaped reality in her image before her existence itself was altered by the weight of the resonance itself leaving none to stand in the way of the winds of change.   This event became known as The Dawning And after the Dawn must come the Dusk There's no one to save us, the heroes are dead The songs of the children lay still and silent instead   Welcome to Zaron the World of Dusk where the material planes became battered by forces from both below and above leaving many trapped in the dark ages of superstition, and scientific white noise. This is a world of war, crusade, and anarchy. In this lost world magic is laced through out all living things, their life force charged by their very souls, pure sources of energy that make the difference between divinity and mortality. Locks of planar energy influence the evolution of creatures around it and shifting reality beyond it's original conceptions. Hope is absent and comfort comes only from the Lords and Kings above But The lords on high had not come to realize that power inherently does not corrupt. Fear corrupts...but it is perhaps the fear of the loss of power that corrupts.   It is currently The Seventh of Alturiak 5875 AD AD (after the dawn), It has been five years since and event radiating with the same ancient magics transformed the realm beyond recognition
A voice echoed throughout the minds of all mortal men in the land.

I come to play with the toys left by insolent, forgotten ancients and make this world into a new epoch. What this means, however, is an end to all. An end to borders and nations. There will only be the Great Will, followed by the Void. So. Ask yourselves. You want peace? There is no peace, the way things are. You all bicker and stab and murder in the names of your mothers, your fathers. But this one? Everyone will live, and when they die, that need not be the end, either, under my banner.

With the coming of the voice came strange lands and people that claim their world was consumed before they too heard the Voice and awoke here.
This is a time of turmoil and strife, lies and deceit, uncertainty and despair.
But with the Winds of Change once again upon us. It has become undeniable hope truly is not lost in...

Zaron the World of Dusk

Tyrant's Pride

The Codex Collective

After the realms had been merged in 5870, scholars and arcane minds from across realmspace gathered and convened to try and make sense of the situation. This gathering of the universes brightest scientific and arcane scholars brought about a renaissance of knowledge. In the months following the realm merge this collective of Artisans and Scholars created a pocket guide to the realms that would be known as The Codex Collective! This codex is written by a collective group of historians, scholars and students of the arcane arts. As a result many of the articles you will be reading in the Codex Collective are written from an In Universe source, unless otherwise stated these articles are based off the understanding that the Collective has on current events...

The Codex CollectiveThe HeroesThe Session Recap
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To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.
-Mordenkainen, Master of the Circle of the Eight

Zaron the World of Dusk has 1 Followers

All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination
-Elminster of Shadowdale
"Your life is a timeline that is moving every second, two things are certain: You can't revisit your past, and you can't foresee your future. So why not live in the moment!"
- Riastlin Majere of Krynn