Cavid (Cah-Veed)


Reclusive And Helpful Rodents

Few races are thought to be more kind than the cavid. As a people, the believe in helping others above all else, even to their own detriment. They go out of their way to be hospitable to strangers and to not offend others. If a cavid offends someone, they will always try to make it up to them in some way. For a cavid, the traditional way to make up for any transgression is to bake some kind of pastry or other sweet dessert for the transgressed. Because of this, cavid education has a special focus on home economics.

Hailing from a mountianous and volcanic region in the jungle, Cavera is the secluded home of the cavid. Few outsiders have ever found the country of origin for the cavid, but those who do return with stories of buildings made of gold, turquoise, and red clay. One human explorer named Haru lived in Cavera for a few years and created a book titled "The Hidden Cities of the Cavid". In his book, he wrote stories of the cavid living in fantastical cities secluded from the world and hidden by powerful illusions. He postulated that the illusions hiding Cavera from the world were not created by the cavid, but by the land itself and the strange volcano-like feature that marks the center of cavid land. Rather than spewing lava, this volcano, called Icavag, seems to be a source of magic that routinely erupts and causes the land to grow wild and many of the plants and animals to be awakened. The cavid worship this volcano as a god and, in the final chapter of the book, Haru talks about beginning to believe that it is, at the very least, divine in some way.

Those cavid who find themselves with an overwhelming feeling of wanderlust and adventure travel out into the world. While the majority are reclusive and try to keep their secrets close, these cavid are invaluable to their culture because they provide an influx of new ideas, customs, and ways of making things. They will often join adventuring parties with the intent of seeing the enitre world, collecting rare plants and herbs to bring back to Cavera, learning new magic, or helping people afflicted by curses as clerics.

Basic Information


Cavid are a race of anthropomorphic Space Hamsters with the ability to remove curses and end possessions.

Biological Traits

Cavid have a genetic quirk that means they possess recessive genes going back hundreds of generations. Pups can sometimes have completely different colouration to their parents. In some cases they can even be of a different sub species entirely. One such recessive gene is most undesireable in the Cavid world. The Eye of the Rose.  Cavids born with Pink Eyes are tainted with the Eye of the Rose, these Cavids are referred to as Hoodoo, and are believed to be cursed with bad fortune. The Hoodoo are shunne dby the rest of the herd and in some cases cast out entirely. 

Hoodoo's that are excommunicated by the herd tend to have a very different mentality to your run of the mill Cavid, with some becoming feral and giving in to more animalistic urges. Others turn to lives of crime, in rare situations some sell their very souls for power...

Genetics and Reproduction

Cavid families, known as Muddles, have a hard split with boars raising the male offspring, abd siws rausubg the females. Cavid litter size ranges from 1 to 8 pups, but a litter of 2 to 4 is more common. A Sow (Female) can give birth to up to 5 litters per year. When a Cavid is about to give birth, any Boars (males) near her will gather around and try to become the dominant "Vigil" in order to both protect the Sow and bond with her.

Growth Rate & Stages

Typically Cavid reach maturity around 8 years of age and can live to be 100 years old. Standing between 2 and 3.5 feet in height and can weigh up to 80 pounds.

Ecology and Habitats

Hailing from a mountianous and volcanic region in the jungle, Cavids are most optimally suited for arid, volcanic, and humid terrain.
The Cavid people however can properly colonize and thrive in most terrains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cavid are omnivors, with sharp teeth, meant to easily cut through grasses and other fibrous plants. These fangs dual as natural weapons, which can be used to make unarmed strikes.


Cavids are small humanoid rodents; they tend to walk on their hind legs but are actually quadropeds. Their ears are soft and folded over to protect the delicate tissue inside. Their eyes protrude slightly with colours ranging from dark brown to burnt umber; and are on rare circumstance bright pink. They are normally completely covered in fur, although some Cavids are born bald and are unable to grow fur.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Cavid people are far spread in the known material plane after the Realm-Meld, while they are still considered a rare race they have been known to be found in almost all places, there however are a few notable places in the planes that Cavids are especially common

Cavids in Ebberon

Much like their supposed Halfling cousins, the Cavids of Eberron sit atop their cold blooded Theropod mounts, tearing through the Talenta Plains. Despite a dense poplation of Cavid, there are no sizeable settlements in Ebberon, they prefer to live in small close knit nomadic tribes.


Cavids in Krynn

The Cavids of the Krynn Valleys however live in small enclaves surrounding the city of Kendemore in the Goodlund Plains of Ansalon...

Cavids in Toril

The largest concentration of Cavid reside near the Toril Mountains specifically in Katashaka. Which is widely belived to be the origin point of the Cavid Species. Notable locations include a treetop hamlet called Texeltoe, and underground village called Peruvoo and a jungle city known as Sherloatea.


Cavids in Wildemount

On the island continent of Wildemount however resides a large Cavid settlement, rumours say that prior tto the Calamity of Wildemount, the Cavid were subject to unethical treatment at the hands of the Aciruab Artificers and Magi.


Cavids in the Astral Planes

Despite a diverse group of settlements on the Material Plane, Cavids are not well suited for life on the Astral Seas. That isn't to say there aren't exceptions. They share their Halfling Cousins' spirited wanderlust, therefor it isn't unheard of to come across a pair of Cavid working the rigs of a Space Galleon, frantically popcorning at the excitement of the outer planes and their plunder...

Average Intelligence

Cavid's are a sentient species and as a result can hold varying forms of intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Accustomed to scavenging in the dark to avoid predators, Cavid have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. They can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. However they can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Cavid have a preference for short punchy names, but very rareky use them when talking to one another, preferring to use a plethora of spontaneous nicknames. A Cavy named Spud may be referred to as "Spudds", "Spuddy", "Spudry", "Tatty", "Creams", or even "Sir Spuddington", but almost never the given name Spud. Cavid frequently name there young after food products.

Gender Ideals

Cavid have three typical genders and have been known to "swap" gender roles throughout their life.
Firstly there are "Boars" which are typically associated as Male.
Secondly there are "Sows" which are typically associated as Female.
Lastly "Prin" are considered to be a Non-Bianary transition stage, reserved for Cavids going through a phase of emotional turmoil or enlightenment. As such many cavid names are entirely unisex to allow for fluent transition.

Courtship Ideals

Cavid's typically mate for life, and are bonded thorugh a social chain to the herd they are born into.


In the Grand Scheme of the multiverse The Cavid are a relatively young species, It is theorized that the very first Cavid were simply a Halfling tribe that suffered from a strain of Astral Wild Magic, which granted them a selective Hereditary Lycanthropy. This is speculation however...

The cavid are well known for their unrivaled knowledge on curses and possession. Many who have been possessed by beings not native to the prime material plane either attempt to travel to the mythical Cavera for treatment or are brought forcefully by a cavera if the spirit is too strong for person to fend off enough to travel on their own. In both cases, the cavid are happy to help. The possessed creature is brought to one of their holy plaes and a complex ritual of dances and chants in the cavid language is done to remove the possessing entity and place it within a clay vessel. Typically, the vessel only lasts for a day before it can be broken. In this time, the cavid elders use their magic to send the vessel back to the creatures home plane. There are fews limit to what a cavid can capture in their clay vessels. Be it a pit fiend, a common ghost, or a celestial being, a cavid, thoeretically, can do it all. The stronger the creature, however, the more difficult it is to pull them out. And if they pull too hard, it can damage the person and even kill them. Because of this only the cavid who have trained to be spirit collectors are allowed to conduct the ritual within Cavera. While all cavid are be able to do it, the spirit collectors have devoted themselves to doing it to the best of their ability without harming either the possessed or the possessor. Due to the gentle nature of the cavid exocism, devils in particular vastly prefer to be sent back to the nine hells by a cavid, but hate the ease at which they do it. Many devils sent back hold a vendetta against the cavid who exorcised them so easily and will attempt to torment them for the rest of their lives, tempting them to the darkness with subtelty. Cavid who give into the devils usually become necromancers and a larger than average amount become liches.
Alot of work
"The Cavid are a kind people who make wonderful pastries, live in cities of gold, and worship a volcanic god of magic. They might be my favorite race I have studied." - Volothamp Geddarm, Human Explorer.
Cavids are a thing
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Cavia porcellus
Cavid reach maturity around 8 years of age and can live to be 100 years old.
Conservation Status
Considered a sentient species and is protected under the Ninth Council
Average Height
Cavid stand between 2 and 3.5 feet in height
Average Weight
Cavid can weigh up to 80 pounds typically.
Average Physique
Cavid's are lean omnivors with a preference towards fruits and vegetables, as a result they are typically small in stature and not very muscular.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Cavys are another name
This one is a test
Fucking hell


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