
Purpose / Function

The “Dugout” is an underground fighting arena, rumored to exist within the depths of the Ever-Stone undercity. The fights in “Dugout” are raw and unrefined, a true test of skill, strength, and survival instincts. Combatants from all walks of life come here to prove their mettle, to earn respect, or to settle scores. The rules are minimal, and the bouts are often brutal.


Visitors are engulfed by the roar of the crowd and the unmistakable scent of sweat and determination. The arena itself is not much more than a small open floor space, with the walls of the arena being created by the bodies of the onlooking crowd.   Stuffed against the wall of the room is a thin shelf where drinks are served.


Hidden at the end of a narrow alley that seems to lead nowhere, the entrance to “Dugout” is a masterwork of dwarven concealment. The door is part of a wall made from the stone that forms the undercity’s foundation. To the untrained eye, it appears as nothing more than a dead end, but those in the know understand what lies behind its walls.   The only way to gain entry is to know the secret code—a series of seven precise knocks against the stone door.
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