
The executioner’s profession is paradoxical, for while their work is essential to the enforcement of law, they are often ostracized, feared, and reviled. They dwell on the fringes of society, their presence a constant reminder of the consequences of defying the empire’s stringent laws.   An executioner is typically a formidable figure, chosen for their physical strength and imposing presence. Clad in a hooded garb that conceals their features, they are the faceless hand of justice, their identity known only to the highest officials.



Becoming an executioner is not a path chosen lightly. Candidates are often selected from the ranks of the military or the constabulary, their aptitude for the role assessed through a series of trials that test their resolve, their discretion, and their ability to carry out their duties without hesitation. Once chosen, they undergo rigorous training, not only in the physical aspects of their role but also in the psychological fortitude required to face death daily.   An executioner adheres to a strict code of conduct. They must remain impartial, their actions guided by the letter of the law rather than personal sentiment. They must also maintain confidentiality, the details of their work shrouded in secrecy to protect both themselves and the sanctity of the law.


Social Status

Despite their necessary role, executioners are often shunned. If the identity of the executioner is know then they tend live isolated lives, their interactions with others marked by a mixture of respect and revulsion. Some find solace in the company of others who share their burden, forming clandestine societies where they can share their experiences and support one another.
It is for this reason that it is common for the executioners identity to be anonamous. However, in most cases, it is not a typically hard kept secret and therefor it is uncommon for an executioner to have anonymity.



The executioner’s tools are as varied as the methods of execution prescribed by heads of state. The headsman’s axe, the hangman’s noose, and the pyre for immolation—each is maintained with meticulous care. In some cases, magical implements are used, such as a blade enchanted to sever the soul from the body or manacles that prevent the use of magic by those who would escape their fate.

Provided Services

The primary duty of an executioner is to carry out the sentences passed down by the courts. This grim task is not limited to the act of execution itself but extends to the preparation of the execution site, the maintenance of their tools, and the disposal of the remains. The executioner must also ensure that the sentence is carried out with efficiency and dignity, upholding the solemnity of the law.   Each execution is preceded by a ritual that serves to sanctify the act in the eyes of the law and the gods. The executioner performs a series of ceremonial gestures, invoking the power of the god of Justice and the divine presence of Death - Grim Reaper - MAJOUR. These rituals vary depending on the nature of the crime and the sentence, but all serve to reinforce the gravity of the executioner’s role. In some cases the Church of The Grim Reaper may be involved in these rituals.


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Aug 30, 2024 14:21

Really interesting to see the amount of thought to a profession that most would give one line to.