Thermal Veins

In the northern reaches of Zestor, where the land is eternally embraced by frost and ice, there exists a network of geothermal caves, a natural marvel known as the Thermal Veins.   These geothermal caves provide a rare refuge in the otherwise inhospitable environment of Zestor. The constant warmth emanating from the earth creates a stable microclimate within the caves. Here, the temperature remains relatively mild, allowing for the existence of unique ecosystems that contrast starkly with the frozen desert outside.


The geography of the geothermal caves is an interplay between the frigid environment of the tundra and the life-giving warmth from beneath the earth’s crust. The majority of the network consists of slender ice caves, their walls glistening with a permanent sheen of ice, formed by the slow seepage of water that freezes upon contact with the cold air. These slim corridors wind through the bedrock, connecting larger caverns that are centered around the main heat vents. It is in these expansive chambers that the true marvel of the Thermal Veins is revealed. The heat from the vents prevents ice from forming, creating pockets of warmth that sustain a surprising variety of life.


The main heat vents themselves are awe-inspiring natural features. They are areas where the rock has been worn away, revealing the pulsing heat from below. These vents often form natural hot springs, their mineral-laden waters believed to have healing properties.   The ice caves serve as both a passageway and a barrier. They protect the warm caverns from the harsh climate outside, maintaining the delicate balance that allows life to flourish within. The transition from the biting cold of the ice caves to the warmth of the geothermal caverns is gradual.

Fauna & Flora

In these warmer caverns, the flora consists of hardy lichens, mosses, and fungi that cling to the rock faces, thriving in the humid air provided by the geothermal heat. These plants form the base of a unique ecosystem, one that is a stark contrast to the barren tundra above.   The fauna within these geothermal caverns includes species that have adapted to the cave environment. Blind fish navigate the warm underground streams, their senses attuned to the vibrations in the water. Insects feed on the mineral-rich cave walls and plants, forming the next link in the food chain. Occasionally, larger animals from the surface venture into the caves, drawn by the warmth and the promise of sustenance.


The Thermal Veins were formed by the geothermal activity of underwater volcanoes. As the hot magma from the earth’s core pushes closer to the surface beneath the ocean floor, it heats the rock and the water that permeates it. This warmth travels up through the bedrock, creating a series of interconnected caves where steam rises and ice retreats, revealing a subterranean network untouched by the chill of the tundra above.


The people of Zestor, known for their resourcefulness, have long utilized the Thermal Veins for their survival. They harvest the unique flora and fauna for food and medicine, and the warm caves serve as gathering places where the Zestorians can escape the relentless cold. The Thermal Veins hold a special place in Zestorian culture. They are revered as a gift from the earth, a natural sanctuary bestowed upon the people by the land itself.
Cave System
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Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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