
Far to the north, where the world brushes against the edge of the Arctic, lies the nation of Zestor. It is a land of perpetual frost, where the aurora borealis paints the sky with ethereal colours and the sun barely crests the horizon in the deep winter months.   Geography: Zestor is a tundra realm, with vast expanses of ice and snow that stretch as far as the eye can see. Glaciers carve through the landscape, and icebergs float solemnly in the frigid waters.   Capital: Illun   Society: The Zestorians are a stoic and hardy people, their culture shaped by the harsh environment. They are known for their resourcefulness and their ability to thrive where few others can.   Culture: In Zestor, the culture revolves around the Cycle of the Frost Moon, a time when the moon is said to bless the ice with light and life. The people celebrate with the Festival of the Glacial Dance, where stories and songs are passed down through generations.   Flora and Fauna: The flora is sparse, consisting mainly of lichens and hardy shrubs. The fauna, however, includes robust species like the Arctic wolf, snow owl, and the mythical ice wyrm, believed to slumber beneath the glaciers.


Zestor’s military might is not in numbers but in their mastery of the environment. Their soldiers, known as the Inuiq, are equipped to move swiftly across the snow and are formidable in their use of the terrain for defence.

Industry & Trade

The economy of Zestor is based on ice fishing, seal hunting, and the trade of furs and whale oil. They have also mastered the art of crafting items from bone and ivory, which are highly prized.


The architecture is a testament to Zestorian ingenuity, with structures designed to retain heat and withstand the elements. Many buildings are partially or entirely underground, insulated by the earth.
National Territory
Included Locations

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