Bulan (West) Ethnicity in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Bulan (West)

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Andrea, Emilie, Flore, Florela, Gwen, Jean, Jully, Leila, Lydia, Mathil, Nadia, Sara, Sonia, Sylvia, Volain

Masculine names

Adrien, Alban, Bennik, Charley, Cumo, Daniel, Gregory, Josu, Leonard, Milo, Mark, Phillip, Remi, Simon,

Family names

Major Nobility: Ontensil, Itolan, Rillow.   Minor Nobility: The tradition of minor nobility using the first part of the major family names in their names is quite common. Some of examples are the Ontosoras, the Itonwoods, the Itorias, and the Riwlels.   Common Family Names: While using the prefix of the major nobility has been restricted to minor nobility, using the postfix of their names is common among the general population. Usually, families that have a long history in West Bulan have done this. Some examples include Daylan, Sealan, Maryslan, Leafsil, Willowsil, Simlow, Alelow, Maryslow.   In recent years around the higher population cities some names have become so common that the common folk have started to use the endings of the minor nobility too. Postfix: oras, woods, ias, lels, ront, lont and some more resulting in names like: Lonlels, Emberont, Golront, Loront, Fullont, Gralont.


Major language groups and dialects


Shared customary codes and values

Fist at shoulder level of same side is a common greeting.

Common Etiquette rules

To give something in return is good manners when presented with anything you haven't conducted fair trade for.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Observance of the Dumlit night is traditionally done by gathering with your closest friends and family and throwing a party the whole night long.
The changing of seasons:   Darkwinter Night is celebrated as the beginning of the new year. People will often partake in communal bonfires and drinking during the evening. This is the only night besides the Dumlit night where people stay outside after dark.   Youngspring marks the beginning of the growing season, but as the grounds are moist and muddy they do not partake in partying outdoors, instead they stay inside and enjoy the company of their families.   Midsummer Day is often celebrated with a festival in larger towns. People will usually travel up to three days to a nearby town where a festival is to be held if they are able, otherwise in the much smaller towns the holiday usually goes unnoticed.   Harvestfest marks the end of the harvest season and food and liquor flow freely. Celebrated locally in all places, it is a day of merriment where social decency is often forgotten.

Coming of Age Rites

For males they are only permitted to wear their hair in a braid after they have come of age, usually 16 years old.   For women, they are not permitted to begin growing their hair past their neck before they come of age, usually 14 years old.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The dead should be entombed in stone. They should not be burnt or buried in soil.

Common Taboos

Uttering the name of Nythis, Goddess of Justice directly. One should always use one of her titles.
Attacking from behind.
Never touch another person's head without permission.


Beauty Ideals

Rings, necklaces, and earrings made with gold, silver and the local gems (Emerald, beryl, sunstone and amethyst are the most commonly found in the mines of West Bulan) are common for both genders.   For men, the ideal male has long hair kept in a tight braid and it is best if the hair is light brown or blonde. For women, the hair should never be bound, and only cut when it begins to interfere with the daily niceties. Light green or dark grey eyes. medium sized or smaller nose that hooks upwards towards the end of it. square jaw. a fit body. Unobtrusive floral scents.

Courtship Ideals

Exchange of stone carved figures of each other.

Relationship Ideals

heterosexual monogamy.
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