West Bulan Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

West Bulan

West Bulan is a kingdom ruled by the Ontensil Dukedom who conquered and reformed opposing dukedoms in its lands. The now subservient Itolan County was once a proud dukedom as well but has since become a vassal state and maintains the Western lands in the kingdom.   West Bulan is a vast kingdom, with great ambition, yet for the last nearly 300 years the kingdom has sidelined its ambitions of conquest to join with its neighboring kingdoms in the formation of The Hallish Federation to survive in what is now called The Solidarity War.   To the west lays The Grolsting Hills where monsters run awry, unchecked and wild. The only passage west through the Grolsting Hills is The Gold Road stretching all the way to the far distant city of Velvoud and maintained by the The Knights Rode who have a small, but respected place in West Bulan's society.   To the south spans the vast Avanalla Forest with its ancient and gargantuan Gold Sequoia Trees and vast network of mysterious wonders: the Great Cavas Bridges.   To the east the Browncloak Hills rise to form a natural defensive border with East Bulan until it ends and the border of the kingdoms meet. The strenuous peace is maintained, due to the The Solidarity War being a greater threat than either countries ambition.   To the north is The Shoaling Sea as well as the kingdom of Pontrish led by The Reverdine Family.


Control of Lands is divided among the nobility of the land, but save the Lord Duke Ontensil of West bulan , all must answer to somebody.   The leader is of course, Lord Duke Ontensil of West bulan.   Below that is an Earl of West Bulan. Of these there are 3 and each rules over one of the sub-counties of West Bulan.   Below that is an Baron of West Bulan. In each subsidiary region of West Bulan there may be anywhere from 1 to 3 Barons aiding the Earl or Duke in maintaining order.   Below a Baron is a Lord or Master of a township or village.


Intertwined with the government, the Children of Nythis are the main religion in West Bulan. They worship Nythis, Goddess of Justice. Some of the other gods that are allowed to be worshiped are:  
  • Ghagyn, God of Death
  • Ezona, Goddess of Protection
  • Kesris, Goddess of Light
  Worship of other deities is punishable by fine, imprisonment or even death depending on which god and how worship is being conducted.   While the Children of Nythis have not always been so intertwined with the government, when The Solidarity War began in
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Legislative Body
The righteous duke and his counts run West Bulan and write the laws that effect major taxes and criminal activity. Through them, the will of Nythis is done, and whatever needs to be done legally to ensure that is what they proclaim to do.
Judicial Body
Predominantly, the Children of Nythis are the judicial body and also the enforcement body in West Bulan. When a law is made they will move through the land to spread the laws when necessary. Additionally, they have in part agreed to let The Knights Rode work as judges, but never enforcers. A roden of the knights rode has the right to make a ruling that only the highest ranking nobility or members of the children of nythis can refute or reject.
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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