Nythis, Goddess of Justice Character in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Nythis, Goddess of Justice

The Goddess of Justice, War and Revenge, Nythis is righteous being who encourages and rewards those who are diligent in their conviction and capable of staying true to their word. She is also the Goddess of Humanity and worshiped by humans nearly universally across Zelidin. Some believe that for this reason, humans will never be able to live long without being involved in wars, as she encourages her most devout followers to wage wars.

Divine Domains

Domains: justice & war   Nythis is the goddess of justice, travel, and requital


Nythis has created a handful of powerful artifacts in her years since the creation of Zelidin:

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The 4 crowns of nythis are the most common symbol, arranged in a lattice. Each crown slightly different in design.   The high collar of nythis, designed to look like a spiked arch is another of her signs.   The 4 limbs of nythis, the left two with human hands and the right two with hooves.

Tenets of Faith

Being the goddess of justice, nythis emboldens her followers to follow through on their beliefs and try to force others to live by them. To extoll others so that they might also begin to believe in the same things you do is the quickest way to receive a blessing from nythis.   As the goddess of travel, nythis supports the idea spreading justice around the world. She encourages those who travel, sends signs to those that should travel, and on occasion gives power to those that have traveled far already.   As a goddess of war, she encourages the armies of the world to fight for what they believe is right, and while she may occasionally take sides in a fight, it is more often believed that she will make the side of the winner the side of justice. She truly embodies the saying, "the winner writes the history books".

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nythis takes the form of a single humanoid body, but instead of a single torso and head, she has 4 heads and 4 arms. Atop each head is a crown and each head's crown is slightly different.
Divine Classification
Greater deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lady of Justice
Sovereign of Change
The Many-Crowned Mother
The four-armed
The Gallant Crusader
Character Portrait image: by Vladimir Matyukhin


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