Children of Nythis Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Children of Nythis

A holy order dedicated to Nythis, Goddess of Justice. This order is centralized in West Bulan and since the beginning of the Solidarity War, they have gained new political power as they push for a militarized government dedicated to Nythis.


Every member of the order of Nythis is proud to have received their holy protectorate garb. These garbs are laden with the finest materials found in West Bulan and provide some level of protection to the wearer. Not all are the same though. The paladins and clerics might receive their garbs

Public Agenda

The primary goal of the Children of Nythis is to ensure the continued dominance of humanity, and more specifically the humans of West Bulan. Belief in other deities is strictly discouraged by the children of Nythis with a few exceptions. The scriptures and ancient high priests convey that Nythis was closely allied with Ghagyn, God of Death & Kesris, Goddess of Light as well as closely aquainted with Markeyhe, Goddess of Creativity too. Besides these three gods, the Children of Nythis to their utmost to vanquish heretics who believe in any but these four.   To achieve this, the Children of Nythis have garnered their power among the nobility of West Bulan and as they grow closer to being unified they look to subjugate other nations and convert them to worship Nythis and her allied deities.


In any major city of West Bulan there is a temple dedicated to the Lady of Justice herself. These temples provide training grounds for the swords and shields of Nythis as well as a place of worship and rest for those she blesses.


There are multiple orders of the Children of Nythis.   Priestly Order:   The Righteous Crownsworn: This elite order of clerics and paladins embody the power and justice of Nythis and act as executioners of evil and protectors from those that would harm the scions of the order. They are exceedingly powerful, but also superbly upright, standing for no injustice or slander against their goddess. A few within this order have been so bold as to travel to the far demonic realms to slay fiends and evil beings that could threaten the survival of life in the Ulbril Plains.   Martial Order:   The Sovereign Huntsmen: This order of rangers and fighters is centered along the uncivilzied perimeter of West Bulan. They focus their attention on northern edge of the Avanalla Forest eastern reaches of the The Grolsting Hills. They ensure that their homeland remains protected from the unseen threats that seek to take from it.   Knightly Orders:   There are a handful of knightly orders partaking in various responsibilities and tasks such as spreading the word of Nythis throughout distant lands, acting as guards of the noble families and some who choose to focus on the more good side of the teachings of Nythis as opposed to the war-mongering ones.

One such order is the Ontaxors

The Holy Mother's blade brings justice and order

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Church of Nythis
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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