The Iron Sails Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

The Iron Sails

The Iron Sails are the navy of the Aldrik Republic. Their leader is given the title of Admiral of the Iron Sails and is currently being held by Sorin "Windcutter" Borgetz of House Borgetz. Of the 12 noble families of the Aldrik Republic, it is often true that only those from noble families are able to reach the rank of Captain of the Iron Sails and higher. There are exceptions in the captain rank although they are few. There has not been a Vice-Admiral of the Iron Sails or Admiral of the Iron Sails from outside one of the three houses most often associated with the Iron Sails in the near 2 millenia of their existence. These three families are of course: House Sarvalur, House Borgetz and House Glicyne   Rank within the Iron Sails is distinguished easily by uniform. All active-duty members of the organization that are at least an officer are required to wear the iconic grey, knee-length coat with white shoulder-guards, a set of uniquely styled red buttons running up the length and plenty of pockets and a high collar. Rank is distinguishable by the number of blood-red tassels worn at the shoulders, with 1 tassel on each side indicating and officer all the way up to 5 tassels on each side being reserved for the Admiral themselves.


In order to combat the rising aggression and danger presented by The Dreadfleet, three of the houses of the Aldrik Republic came together to form a new naval organization, the Iron Sails. They were named as such because the sails for their ships were made of fabric woven of Iron so that it would not be corroded and destroyed when the red mists came.


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