Aldrik Republic Organization in Zelidin 2 | World Anvil

Aldrik Republic

A republic in name only, Aldrik is governed by The Aldrik Council; a group of the 12 most influential and history-stretching families within the kingdom. These twelve families are situated dominantly within the 3 major cities of Aldrik: New Drissle, Vester and Aldhull  Additionally, the other organization that has considerable sway over the land is that of the Disciples of the Gyre Seed. This sect of naturalists who worship Novra, God of Life have control over The First Groves which take up nearly a full third of the middle of the countries area is the most resource rich area within the entirety of the Ulbril Plains  While the Aldrik Council make all of the most important decisions for Aldrik, they are seldom in alignment on what they wish to have done. Having 12 seats is not written into doctrine or law in any way and is simply the result of how each of these noble houses has maneuvered to gain power and gained footing over one-another. Some choose to ally with others as equals, others choose to try to make their compatriots subservient to them and others are outright hostile to the others, although open civil warfare would quickly be stopped by the remaining houses.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations


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