Session 1.9 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
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Session 1.9

General Summary

The siege of Inkonai is upon our heroes. On the morning of the 24th of Kennig scouts reported the Rhino's army moving towards Inkonai. Our group of heroes took the South Gate to aid in the protection there. There they were given command of a number of catapults to be used as the invaders advanced. The first wave began with a battering ram being pushed by several goblins. As to gain an early lead the group used one of their fireballs from the Arcane Tower assistance. The fireball takes out almost all the goblins, except the warboss and leaves the battering ram on fire. From there the archers and spellcasters were able to pick off the goblin warboss pretty easily. Along with this wave a specific Bugbear joined the crowd. Runar Storm, a sorcerer of great power and Lieutenant to the Rhino joined the forces. He was also able to cast some spells towards the people on the wall, kill a couple of soliders, before the heroes were able to take him down.

With that the second wave began with several bugbears and gnolls. This time they were carrying ladders to scale the walls with. Our heroes used a number of catapults to try and slow the advance of the ladders. Most of them missed and the bugbears and gnolls advanced. Along with these troops also came the hobgoblin they had seen before, General Rux Hairt. As the troops approached the heroes were able to rain spells and arrows down upon them. Bomb and Badil decided to head out into the thick of battle and take them on head on. One ladder did make it to the wall and a couple bugbears climbed up but were effectively taken out and the wall secured once more. With the death of his troops General Rux Hairt was cut down as well in a barrage of arrows.

The third wave began to approach the wall. These wave included ogres, orcs, orogs, displacer beasts, the madman from before, and finally the Rhino himself. What the heroes did not know, was that slinking along in the shadows and the edge of the battle was Skraag, the same Goblin who had been tailing them and relaying information back to the Rhino. They were also bringing towers to bear in order to launch their troops along the walls. Our heroes used their last remaining fireball and several catapults to try and end the numbers early. The combined effects were able to take out quite a few of the opposing forces and light one tower on fire. As they approached two more towers went down. Bomb and Badil came back to the gate after suffering some hits against Skraag. Along the wall they fought off troops from the tower, the Rhino, and Skraag. With a final blow they defeated their enemies and the Rhino lay unconscious at their feet. With one solid blow, as the Governor and his guards approached, Wojtek severed the Rhino's head killing him on the spot.

With that Wojtek was arrested on the spot and the rest congratulated and went back to The Bokkens with the news. Before they left Banishedpicked up the Sword of the Seasons. Along with that Badil grabbed the Basilisk Fang dagger off of Skraag. After some information finding The Bokkens discovered that Wojtek didn't want any sort of rescue attempt at all. Amber remembered seeing a Centaur near the end of the fighting that seemed to apart from the fight. She began to seek him out to try and make amends between the people of Inkonaiand the Bestial/Monstrous Races. The Governor started talks with Wojtek about the incident and what freedom would look like. Badilwas named Hero of the South Gate for his contributions and excellent shots that brought down the Rhino as well many other commanders. Banishedtook it upon himself to care for Wojtek's mother and home. Eventually Wojtekwas released with the stipulation they would be watching him and continuing to talk with him. Wojtek began to work with Ambertalking with Harthur.

As our heroes were recovering and recupperating in the next weeks from the siege a new memory came to them. They all suddenly remembered the existance of Tel Koth as an entrance to The Under Realm. There is a tradition in Zhen Gho that during this time groups venture below in search of treasure and fame. Many do not return but far many return with great wealth. There are a select few that come back with memories of horriblly mad fever dreams. However no one really takes them seriously. The Bokkens have asked our heroes to take on the challenege and bring some treasures back for them. The group relucntantly agreed they would travel below.

Rewards Granted

Badil was granted the title of "Hero of the South Gate" They obtained the Sword of the Seasons, and gave it to the Temple dedicated to Isayama Badil obtained the Basilisk Fang Dagger

Missions/Quests Completed

The adventurers were able to repel the siege from the Rhino and his forces.
Report Date
07 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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Cover image: by MidJourney


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