The Under Realm Geographic Location in Zennith | World Anvil
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The Under Realm

The Under Realm is a region that resides beneath Zhen Gho. And there is a general understanding that it exists however becasue it is the source of The Kenbosho the actually resisdents, knowledge, and general understanding of it is difficult to gauge. When the Kenbosho is on the open cycle suddenly an understanding of the Under Realm is out there for everyone in completness up to that point. With that being the case there is quite a bit of speculation about the Under Realm in both cases of the Kenbosho up nor not.


The main geography of the Under Realm is tunnels and caverns. There is a maze of tunnels twisting all over the place underground. These lead to caverns of all different sizes. There are some smaller caverns that simply house creatures or other spots to take a break. There are also massive caverns that have been carved out to hose large cities with great storied buildings of all types. Most of the rock that is within this level underground is a mix of granite, iron, stone, and other various precious metals. Winding through the tunnels, seeming to move in their own directions, are rivers of water keeping cities alive and letting creatures survive these harsh conditions.


These enviormnent is friendlier to those that are nocturnal and more predator in nature. The ecosystem is very harsh in that there are less places of water, very little normal veggitation, and no sunlight whatsoever. For this case most animals that reside on the surface of Zhen Gho would not survive in the Under Realm. This being the case the creatures that surive, and even thrive, below the ground are much more vicious, tend to be very hardy, and can withstand some of the harshest conditions. Besides the cities and militaries below the ecosystem is the most brutal thing for Adventueres to try and get through. Many will say that it seems as though everything in the Under Realm is trying to kill and/or eat them.

Localized Phenomena

Weather in the Under Realm is rather tame. There is no rain or other event of that nature. The weather remains remarkable the same in most cases, unless acted on by a magical source. However there are earthquakes from time to time. They can be a bit more dangerous there as opposed to the surface. Being closer to the shifting of the earth can cause new chasams to open up or close existing ones. There hasn't been an earthquake in the last two hundred years that has amounted to anything catastrophic. But the people of the Under Realm don't let their guard down, just in case.

The only other phenomena that affects all of the Under Realm is The Kenbosho. As mentioned earlier the Kenbosho is localized within the Under Realm and proceeds out from it. However unlike how it affects the surface world, there is a slight difference to those beneath. They do not forget where they are during the 6-10 years. They simply live in fear and avoidance of whatever lies below in the 3rd level. In fact where entrances to the 3rd level exist within or near cities they will post fortifications or other preventative measures. They will not stop anyone from venturing below, but most who go below never return. And should they return their minds are never the same.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of the Under Realm are a mix of deadly and hardy. The climate is quite inhospitable and therefore only the ones that can adapt survive. Another part of this is there is not many sources of water. This directly affects what sort of plants are able to survive in the long term. That being the case the flora found in the Under Realm is a lot of the fungi family. Mushrooms of all types are able to survive, and in some cases thrive, down below. Along with that plants that need less water and can survive with no sun are found a plenty in the Under Realm. The people of the Under Realm have learned to use the plants available for not only food sources but also much of their crafting. This is because there are a fair number of plants, in order to survive the harshness, have developed hard outer skins and strong connections. They can be used in construction and crafting.

As far as the fauna of the Under Realm is concerned it is very similar to the flora. The animals that live below are tough creatures that can go a long time without resources to survive. Things such as gricks, carrion crawlers, and kuthricks are commonplace. Many creatures who reside down below also have a tendency to eat a very meat diet. They pick of lone travelers or others who live down there for their meals. As it was earlier stated about the flora the creatures having the adaptations they have developed are used by the people who live there in many different parts of life. There is almost a symbiotic relationship between the flora and fauna and the people who reside in the Under Realm. This has been what has allowed them all to thrive and continue on living in this harshest of conditions.

Natural Resources

Besides the flora and fauna found in the Under Realm there is really only one type of main resource. That is stone and other mineral and other veins of metals found in the ground. Below in the Under Realm is found stone, iron, copper, gold, silver, diamonds, mithril, and many other types. This being the case most things build in the Under Realm use these resources. With that being the case most buildings, constructed items, crafts, etc. are quite sturdy and are made to last. This allows for a conservation of resources because after awhile, the people have realized, you can only dig so far or much before it is gone, or run into something you don't want to tangle with.


Not much is known about the history of the Under Realm. This is especially true on the surface of Zhen Gho. Apart from the times when the Kenbosho is lifted most knowledge of the location is unknown. Even during those times the people do remember history is not the first thing on their minds. The most that is known is that throughout the years the Duergar, Drow, Kuo-Toa, and some other various races have made cities, small empires, and have had conflicts throughout the time down there. It is not exactly known how long this has been going on, or when it really started. It remains an area of confusion for many scholars when the time comes for the people to remember. They hire adventures to try and find historical documents and/or clues, but few return with information.

The people who live below have a bit of a better understanding of their history. But even for them the farther back they go the less they remember or are sure of details. It is known that about the same time the Duergar, Drow, Kuo-Toa, Tieflings below, and some other races began to make their homes down below. Almost immediately upon meeting each race they were in constant conflict. There have been some rather intense conflicts bordering on full scale war below. However at this time they are in a uneasy peace. Of course it would be foolish to believe that each faction was not preparing for yet another war. Many below that this next conflict will be the biggest yet, and may determine who will be the dominant power in the Under Realm.

by MidJourney
A typical view down below in the Under Realm
Alternative Name(s)
Underdark, the Dark Realm, home of the Drow, Where the Duergar Reside
Underground / Subterranean
Characters in Location
Related Reports (Primary)
Inhabiting Species
by MidJourney
A group of mushrooms thriving under the conditions of the Under Realm
by MidJourney
A creature of the Under Realm looking for its next meal
by MidJourney
The last great battle bewteen Drow and Duergar

Cover image: by MidJourney


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