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The Pantheon of Sliwesm

Sliwesm is the official religion of Silverfall
The gods
  • Yhione, God Of Death
  • Koias, God Of Shelter
  • Relena, Goddess Of Night & Day
  • Kunas, Goddess Of Music
  • Phiaris, Goddess Of Love
  • Broventa, Goddess Of Life
  • Dhimes, God Of Knowledge
  • Rheorr, God Of Justice
  • Udite, God Of Hope
  • Vaarae, God Of Home
  • Lumis, God Of Dreams
Known Holidays of this Religion
Lantern festival- celebrated 1st - 4th of Arodus
The festival was started in the 10th year to the rule of King Edwyrd the 1st, the third king after the Unification of the tribes. He set it as religios days to fast, pray and disconnect from the temptations of the world. In the year 709 Rule of King Zelphar the 1st changed the way the gods were seen. which changed the days to days of fun partying to connect to the gods - the festival that is celebrated today.  
Festival of Blossoms- celebrated 1st-14th of Desnus
Every year the Festival of Blossoms is celebrated with much enthusiasm. It's a holiday with mythical roots associated with Udite, God Of Hope , nowadays it is mostly associated with wearing homemade costumes, face painting, celebrating imagination and hanging around campfires. It is officially celebrated for 2 weeks, but the opening hours are by far the most beloved hours and looked forward to by all.  
The Festival of Time
The Festival of Time is celebrated with a lot of gusto. It's a holiday with divine roots associated with Relena, Goddess Of Night & Day , nowadays it is mostly associated with traditional hair styling, traditional plays, homemade gifts and homemade costumes. It is officially celebrated for twice a year once on the 30th of Erastus and once on the 30th of Bellarune.

Faith grants us strength.

Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations
Related Traditions


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