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The Kingdom of Silverfall


map of Silverfall
Kingdom of Silverfall

The ruling family of Silverfall is Varlas. They came to power Following the Unification of the tribes led by Siveril Varlas.
Official Currency
There is minimum wage of 15 Kryna an hour between the age of 16(minimum age)-18(legal adult age) after the age of 18 minimum wage goes up to 20 Kryna.
legislative Body
The court and nobles are mostly left to govern themselves within the set limits and rules that protect the people.
There is a citizen council in every province that is democraticly chosen that gets to talk with the leaders of the province and influence the rules.
What keeps people from breaking the law
  • Fear and respect of the gods
Executive Body
The shemir force- Tasked with protaction of the people and the law.  
Ways of interaction with other kingdoms
non-verbal codes, trade networks, record-keeping, marriage alliances
  • Common tax- paid by evreyone over the age of 18 equals 5% of the persons income, this is put forword to taking care of the elders.
  • Sales tax- put on all items equals 2% of the original price.

In Silverfall, family names and familial connections are extremely significant as Vaarae, God Of Home, and Phiaris, Goddess Of Love , are regarded as the two most significant gods, from whom all the virtues that the other gods stand for originated.
Therfore after marriage, a woman adopts her husband's family name in addition to keeping her own; however, if the woman is her familes heir,then her husband will adopt her name as well as keeping his own.
  • women -First name, maiden name-husband's family name.
  • Men -First name, family name-wife's family name.
  • Children - take on the family name of the parent that only has one.


All titles can be gender swaped based on the actual title holder, they are written with the comman use. With partner they can only recive their title if they are leaglly married and in case of divorce lose the title but may keep a diffrent title at the rulers will.
  1. King of Silverfall/ Queen Regnent of Silverfall
    • 1.1 Queen Consort of Silverfall, Duchess of Lustris Glimond/ High Prince of Silverfall, Duke of Lustris Glimond
      1.2 Queen Regent
      This title exists only in cases where the new ruler is under 18 or unable to perform their duties (mentally/physically unavalible).
  2. Crown prince of Silverfall
  3. Only the heir apparent recives this title. The ruler must grant the title as it is not automatic
      2.1 Crown princess consort of Silverfall
  4. Widowd Queen of Silverfall, Duchess of Enrilth / Widowed High Prince of Silverfall, Duke of Enrilth
  5. Must have been lawfully married to the former ruler but does not have to be the current ruler's biological parent.  
  6. Prince of the Star Fields
  7. given to the tribe leaders to honor the past and keep the inner hieracy of the tribes (This is a Hereditary title). they also hold the title Duke of (Summerhus-Lamruiot leader/ Goldshore- Edwyard leader/ Seabury- Rydeliot leader/ Lakeshore-Aydard leader)
      4.1 Princess Consort of the Star Fields
  8. Prince/Princess of Silverfall
  9. Children of the King and the children of the crown prince
      5.1 Prince/ Princess consort of silverfall
  10. Lady/Lord of Otailite
  11. children of princess and princess to show their heritage, exept for children of the King and the children of the crown prince. There is no title for the partner nor does it pass on beoned the first holder.  
  12. Duke
    • 7.1 Duchess
  13. Marquess
    • 8.1 Marchioness
  14. Earl
    • 9.1 Countess
  15. Viscount
    • 10.1 Viscountess
  16. Baron
    • 11.1 Baroness


Marriage can be political, but it must involve both the bride and groom agreeing out of free will. All marriages of citizines must be done using the The Love Twins - Marriage daggers  
After the death of a family leader, there is a 14-day wait to allow for any claims of unknown inheritance to be brought forward. After that time, the next in line is announced and officially given the responsibility and title of head of the family.  
Succession is male-preference (cognatic) primogeniture (boys first) for titles, but it is not possible to skip a generation just because someone only has daughters.


In Silverfall being in school between the ages of 7 and 16 is mandated since the year 600 ATU under The right to education act. School is free to attend as long as one is in between the mandated ages, education after that comes at a small fee of 100 Kryna a month as it is often trade specific.
These are mandated subjects but it is not forbidon to learn other subjects that the person may wish to educate themself in.
Everyone has to learn:
  • Rituals and Rites
  • History
  • Geography
  • Budgeting
  • Speech
  • Reading
  • Writing


Only men:
  • Army Strategy
  • politics
  • Horse Riding

Only women:
  • needlework and embroidery
  • Cooking
  • Herbalism
  • Botany

Optional studies:
  • Etiquette/Party Planning
  • Dance
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Singing
  • Instrumentation
  • Forign languges

Justice and honor reign.

Founding Date
29 of Abadius 346 Tribes Era
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organizations
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Official State Religion
Related Traditions


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