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the southern Country of in the shadow of Mt. Cragmire


the Ixis culture is about the accepting outcast, and doesn't  people away however there accepting nature belies a darker nature, the society founded by vampire enslave mortals races, roaming hoards of zombies and undead creatures roam the countryside, due the study of necromancers. Ixis citizens are wary of this threat but aren't  generally bother by because they stick to the cities, harbors and towns  which have high walls to defend them. Above all else Ixis is nation of friendly folk you won't turn away because if they turn you away here where else can you go?

Public Agenda

peace for those unjustly cursed, or the outcast of Society


mythril mines,  slave labor,  druidic circle,  clercal buildings, farms,  routes to the underdark, harbors trades ships  farms and plantations, castles

Demography and Population

total population: 900,000 vampire:57% human: 23% lycanthropes: 12% other races: 6%


colonized by the first settlers in 3e 178


the focus of Ixian military lies heavily on magic, and fighting defensively, as Ixians have a higher tolerance that most to frigid weather,  they also utiltize necromancy, to constantly swell their ranks with soldier that don't fear or tire.

Technological Level

Most of Ixis resources go into advancing there naval technology and agricultural technology, as architecture. Thanks to druidic help they have manage to find away to make permafrost farming possible. Through study of the Lories isles ships and a took a few designs from them.


Clergy of the mother holds a fair amount of power compared to most religions in Ixis, enough to hold a seat on the council. worship of Solamere, and Ptem are strictly prohibited and are considered heretical.

Agriculture & Industry


  runs plantations, slave trade, black market trades: illegal spells and artifacts, mythril mines.  


    Rely heavily on fishing farms and whaling, as well other sea life, domesticated sheep and cattle, mortals, recently developed new farming method to help mortal cattle live longer.

Trade & Transport

Trades over seas with Xeran empire, routes that go into the underdark,  roads going in to the neighboring settle of Lucia.  cargo lifts to the city of Erudine.


the citizens are highly educated, slaves it tends to vary from poor to well educated.

the home for outcasts

Founding Date
4th of Sathes, 3e 190
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Heretic country, Dark country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Major Exports
mythril, and precious metals and gemstones magic items, whaling materials
Major Imports
slaves, cattle, magic items, potions,
Legislative Body
the clergy of the mother
Judicial Body
the adjucators
Executive Body
Primogen council
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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