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republic of Lucia

Lucia the country north of Cragmire, sharing it's border with the central Elerene swamp,


Czar- leads the country and has executive powers. senate- has legislative powers congress- has holds judicial power


Lucia is a country of free men and philosophers and culture reflects that with homosexuality and orgies practically normalized in the society, Fashion fashion is quoted as odd in in most countries, the citizens commonly wear, loose and clothing resembling drapes.  the toga of the Lucia people is quite common, along with sandals.

Public Agenda

to have a country of truly free people held up in the image of Sarerth


roads, aqueducts, sewers, building  amphitheaters, ports, ships, docks airships, constructs, bathhouses,

Demography and Population

total population approx: 990,000 50% dragonic & lizardfolk 25% human 20% gnomes 5% other




Dracoguard, Lucia's military arm use to follow and enforce the will of the Prime minister, strict upholders of the Terian code of honor.

Technological Level

the technology in Lucia is highly advance to the gnomish and kobolds populace, advancing to create the airships, constructs and even the mysterious warforged, Lucia is one of the most technologically advanced society in all of Vestria.


Sareth still has a mighty influence on Lucia, but Jubilee/Jubileus, is also widely revered, to the free nature of the society, Terian being a human turned god is also highly revered especially among the warriors and soldier of Lucia. Most gods from the mortal, life, law pantheons are still represented here.

Trade & Transport

most trade is done thru and ships and airships, same for transport as both the swamp and tundra are to dangerous to access via horse and wagon.


the Lucians believe in public education and healthy debate the Lucian are all well educated capable of reading and writing.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Dragon country, Drakes
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Major Exports
exotic fruits, wine, meats, sugar, salt, books, potions, rubber, timber
Major Imports
furs, leather, precious gemstones, spices, foreign wine, metals, magic items
Legislative Body
the Senate
Judicial Body
Executive Body
the Prime minister
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations


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