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Ozan shogunate

The Ozan shogunate reside in eastern Zell playing host to Xian Refugees


shogun- leader of the shogunate and oniwabanshu of Ozan Daimyo- head of the samurai clans  Samurai- enforces the law of the Shogunate the Kage - head of the oniwabanshu Shinobi and Kunoichi- spies and assassins of the oniwabanshu


Beauty- was widely considered an important part of what made one a "good" person. In cosmetic terms, aristocratic men and women powdered their faces and blackened their teeth, the latter termed ohaguro. The male courtly ideal included a faint mustache and thin goatee, while women's mouths were painted small and red, and their eyebrows were plucked or shaved and redrawn higher on the forehead (hikimayu). Women cultivated shiny, black flowing hair and a courtly woman's formal dress included a complex "twelve-layered robe" called jūnihitoe, though the actual number of layers varied. Costumes were determined by office and season, with a woman's robes, in particular, following a system of color combinations representing flowers, plants, and animals specific to a season or month,   Literature Poetry, in particular, was a staple of court life. Nobles and ladies-in-waiting were expected to be well versed in the art of writing poetry as a mark of their status. Every occasion could call for the writing of a verse, from the birth of a child to the coronation of an emperor, or even a pretty scene of nature. A well-written poem could easily make or break one's reputation, and often was a key part of social interaction. Almost as important was the choice of calligraphy, or handwriting, used. The Japanese of this period believed handwriting could reflect the condition of a person's soul: therefore, poor or hasty writing could be considered a sign of poor breeding.

Public Agenda

Currently is to take back the Western Zell from imperial occupation


precious gems, metals, monasteries, ships, horses, palace, and townships, monks and soldiers, guards, magic items, wizards(omniyoji), shinobi, kunoichi


Before the ozan shogunate came to be there was the Zell empire, separated into four provinces, fire earth that resided on Eastern Zell and water and wind on Western Zell, and emperor that ruled in the central province the royal lineage of Zell is intentionally spread across the four provinces so there is equal cultural representation on the throne, with province having it's turn to reign over the empire. Because of the continents form fire and earth provinces were separated culturally from water and wind. When the 13th emperor health began to decline, the next successor, would be in water and the next cycle would be earth. However the successor died, visiting the fire province, thus suspicion was cast on the Easterners, though soon rumors spread and then later open conflict began, lines were drawn and provinces of western Zell formed into the Ozan Shogunate

Demography and Population

Currently sharing the Easter Zell with the Xia kingdom


the Ozan Shogunate currently has regain the their homeland of western Zell


Ozan Shogunate is primarily a military government, as such most men, aspire to be samurai and have a lord to fight for in war. Then there is the Oniwabanshu, the ninja for those who forsake honor and use more clandestine ways to fight the enemies of Ozen

Technological Level

most of Ozan empire technology lies in smiting techniques from making steel swords to ornamental statues, some technology goes in to potions and poisons, produce from rare herbs found in the area,


the  Ozan worships the summer court, the unseelie court worship considered is herectical.

Foreign Relations

With of Zell being an isolationist nation normally this would mean that not many know about very little about their ways and customs, however the Zeran Crusades, has changed a great deal of minds about opening up their borders and stopping an era civil war with the Xia

Agriculture & Industry


animal husbandry(oxen, goat, chicken,)  whaling, produce, and rice farming horse breeding   


magic kite, metal mining, textile, timber, magic artifact

Trade & Transport

Ozan primarily trade with  Lorie and Lucia for weapons, by ships


the Disparity of education  is between the peasants and the Samurai clans, peasantry is typically trained through vocational such as apprenticeship.


Roads, shrines,  bridges,  towns,  castles and forts, bays,

Tenets of Faith

the code of Bushido, was formed after the god of war Terian which helped the Ozan shogunate fight off pirates on the coast.    1. justice- Bushido applies to martial truth and individual correctness: Justice is Bushido’s most strong virtue. It is described in this way by a well-known samurai: ‘rectitude is a power of the person to determine a behavior according to reason without wavering; killing when it is right to die; striking when it is right to attack.’ Another one says: ‘Rectitude is the bone that provides solidity and stature. The head cannot sit on the back without limbs, nor shift hands, nor stand feet. Thus, neither ability nor learning can turn a human structure into a samurai without righteousness.’ Justice is the Samurai’s fundamental virtue. The inclusion of the Bushido theory of justice in your life calls for reflection on just matters and the importance of good character to be upheld.   2. Courage- Bushido differentiates courage from bravery: Courage is dignified only when displayed in the name of justice and righteousness. ‘Courage does the right thing.’ Courage is about decrypting what is right and what is wrong, as is justice. Courage demands not only the courage to understand but also to act.   3. Compassion- A man with the ability to control and the power to kill must have similarly exceptional strength of benevolence and compassion: love, magnanimity, affection for others, compassion, and compassion are characteristics of blessing, the highest qualities of the human spirit. The desire to express love and sympathy through patience is compassion. It also involves trying to look at the universe from another’s perspective. For anyone in a leadership capacity, this is a special feature.   4. Respect- It may be difficult for casual tourists to Japan to distinguish between obsequiousness and politeness. Still, courtship is based on benevolence for a true person: Both international tourists are recognized as distinctive Japanese characters by courtesy and good manners. But polite should show benevolent respect for others’ feelings; this is a bad virtue if inspired solely by a suspicion that good tastes are offended. Solitude addresses passion in its finest shape. Respect ensures that you recognize the appreciation of others’ experiences and emotions. Politicizing must be used to work with another human.   5. Integrity- True Samurai disdained money, Thus, high-ranking samurai children were raised to think that speaking of money displayed bad taste. Their misunderstanding of the worth of various coins demonstrated good breeding: Bushido promoted thrift and the practice of abstinence, not for economic purposes alone. Luxury was considered the biggest threat to manhood. The class of warriors ought to be very simpler … the counter machine and the abacus were abhorred. One must uphold integrity to practice several of the other values. That means honest and honest living.   6. honor- Although Bushido deals with the soldier’s career, he is also interested in non-martial conduct: The Samurai is distinguished by the value of honor, a vibrant sense of honesty, and dignity. Born and raised to appreciate his profession’s tasks and rights. Awe of shame hung over the Samurai’s head like a blade… It was mocked as ‘short-tempered’ to take offense at mild provocation. According to the traditional saying: ‘True patience means the wearable.’ The warriors were Samurai who maintained a sense of self-worth and acted by the highest Code of conduct. You must recognize the spiritual obligation to respect the concept of honor.   7. faithfulness- The economic fact has battered international corporate commitment. Nevertheless, real men remain faithful to those they owe: the most distinctive virtue of the feudal period was loyalty to a superior. There is personal fidelity for all manner of people: the pickpocket group swears loyalty to its leader. Yet loyalty is of vital significance only in the Code of chivalrous honor. Hold true to yourself first. This must not be abandoned even in challenging situations, where fealty is offered to another individual.   8. Self control- Bushido encourages men to comply with an absolute moral principle that transcends logic. It’s right, and the wrong things are incorrect. There are no arguments open to debate or reasoning, nor distinguish between good and evil and between right and wrong, and one man should know the difference. Finally, by his behavior model, a man must teach his children moral values. The first goal was to create the character—Samurai schooling. There were less nuanced abilities in prudence, intellect, and dialectics. Intellectual dominance was appreciated, but a samurai was mostly an activist. Self-control in the Bushido code means strict adherence to this Code under all situations, when with someone else and alone.


the Ozan Shogunate being mostly militarized society follow Terian the god war, practice his eight virtues which is the Ozan call bushido,


usually praying, and leaving offerings at shrines,.


the High Priest/priestess guides the religion of the Ozan

Granted Divine Powers

Usually through a powerful fey

Political Influence & Intrigue

Since the Occupation of the Zeran empire very little.

For the honor of Zell

Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports
gems, and art, food, precious metals , potions.
Major Imports
Legislative Body
the Daimyo
Judicial Body
shrine priest and priestess
Executive Body
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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