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Xia Kingdom (Shi a)

the Xia kingdom formerly the nation of Western Zell,


King-rule of Xian kingdom  Ministries- Responsible for assisting the king with various duties in the kingdom Eunuchs- personnel assistance to the kingdom Peasants- farmer, smiths, artisans, merchants


Because of its close connection to the feywild Xia, has thusly heavily influenced by it, most Xian cities have closer ties to nature and the fey, so much a few revere them spirits and deities, Xian culture is dominated by art, and Philosophy, every building, weapon, furniture all hand crafted so no piece no looks completely uniform.

Public Agenda

To restore the Zell empire, to its former glory and crush the Ozan empire


precious gems, metals, monasteries, ships, horses, palace, and townships, monks and soldiers, guards, magic items, wizards(taoist),


Before Xia came to be there was the Aelish empire, separated into four provinces, fire earth that resided on Eastern Aelis and water and wind on Western Aelis, and emperor that ruled in the central province the royal lineage of Aelis is intentionally spread across the four provinces so there is equal cultural representation on the throne, with province having it's turn to reign over the empire. Because of the continents form fire and earth provinces were separated culturally from water and wind. When the 13th emperor health began to decline, the next successor, would be in water and the next cycle would be earth. However the successor died, visiting the fire province, thus suspicion was cast on the emperor's death, soon rumors spread and then later open conflict began, lines were drawn and provinces of western Aelis formed into the Xia Kingdom.

Demography and Population

70% elves 20% human 10 other races


Xia kingdom resides in eastern Zell as refugees


the monasteries, and Xian army


Xia worships the summer court, the unseelie court worship is herectical.

Foreign Relations

the xia kingdom, are isolationist, however, currently reside in the homeland of the Ozan Shogunate, as refugees, attempting to bridge two nations after a millinea

Agriculture & Industry


  rice, wheat, potatoes, tomato, sorghum, peanuts, tea, millet, barley, cotton, oilseed, corn and soybeans.      


textile, pottery, steel, magic artifacts timber, fishing

Trade & Transport

none as they are currently refugee


Education is separated by what role you played, people in the ministries and the eunuchs are more educated than the peasantry having more comprehensive command over reading, arithmetic and writing, and the king himself is usually the most educated. the Peasantry usual have basic understanding, as it would relate to their vocation.


Western Zell assets: Roads, palaces, forts, towns, rivers,  boats, monks monasteries, guards,

Divine Origins

the Xia ties to feywild means worship the fey and gods tied to it.

Tenets of Faith

eat what you kill what you use must be returned to earth respect and honor the fey of the courts,


Respecting the land, the animals and fey, disrespecting any these, (killing fey without reason, killing for sport, destroying the environment with no regard) is tantamount to heresy


praying and giving tribute at shrines,  meditation on the natural world, and festivals are held in the deities name


The usual head of monasteries is are the abbots who are chosen by their successors or the fey in charge of the land.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The monasteries to the fey, used to alot power, but since the era-long civil war, and Xeran invasion, Xia spiritually has been exchanged for war.

Restoring the Rightful power

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body
the Ministry of law
Judicial Body
the Ministry of Justice
Executive Body
the King and the eunuchs
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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