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River's End

1st Ward

1. Tent Town 1. description a sprawling tent town, near the docks. You don't see a guard near entrance just a smattering crowd , people who are dirty and wearing rags, shuffling about some you can see are missing teeth.a few of them are shivering a skinny bugbear runs into you “ alms! Please sir, take pity on poor soul,” As more come toward, (Dc 14 intimidation,to scare off, 17 perception, to check for pickpockets. ) swarming you, as you get even closer look see people with small scratches and a view them are shivering as if they re cold. “do have any spice on you, what about As you go deeper in you can see guards on the steps leading into the city proper. You look and there even more tents under the docks , a small makeshift bridge made old planks of wood connecting the two sides and and in the far back grate leading into the sewers. Nate will approach the group to ask to paid 10sp as a guide however if they, worked for the moblins he will do it for free. 2. Persons of Interest 1. Skinny Nate, Bugbear (m) 2. Appearance: odd eyed, mangy brown mane patches of light brown fur missing, wearing a tattered striped sailor shirt and tattered pants. 3. Personality: Neurotic, anxious, paranoid, 4. Accent: American crazy 2. Docks 1. Description: Dirty shore line leading a murky brown river several people boating and fishing off the docks. 3. Boat house 1. Description: It's an old wooden boathouse with a yellow tiled rooftop you can see few people moving in and out of it.

2nd ward (Middle end Ward)

4. Market 1. description- a Sprawling market place, filled with people buying selling and haggling wares you can hear the loud shouts accompanied by the clanging of metal on an Anvil. Even in a place more well you still a few people exhibiting shivering behavior but more subdued. 5. Blacksmith (River's Edge) 1. Description- A small tan brick build line with a dark brown roof A small metal signs with stenciled in words “River edge” , attached an large open area forge with many weapons and displayed on racks out side the store front you can two Dwarves that look identical working on different pieces. 2. Persons of interest 1. Fritz & Moritz Grau dwarves(m) 2. Appearance: typyical dwarvish build caramel tone skin short redish brown wavy hair, hazel eyes. Fritz has burn on his right arm and Moritz, has a small cut on his nose. Both are adorned in a tan shirt with a black smock and dark brown pants. 3. Personality Fritz,: argumenative, hot tempered, stubborn. Moritz,: Argumenative, calm, stoic. 4. Accent: German 6. Adventuring store (Rusty's) 1. Description- (Outside) a two story red brick building, with a large wooden post that reads Rusty's in red paint, in smaller words says general goods and exploring gear. (indoors) in side is a cozy wooden interior with racks and shelves of gear and goods. A large counter and stairs leading to the second floor. 2. Persons of interest 1. Rusty, Gnoll(m) 2. Personality Chipper, polite, insecure 3. Appearance tall lanky build, rust spotted colored fur black muzzle 7. Stables (River run) 1. description the stable is located close to the east gate, several horse different breeds mostly suited for heat and dry weather, a few larger hardier looking breeds of for horses are in a smaller yet, roomy enough pen. A Small stone building sitting next to with a sign near the pen reading “River Run stables” with a picture of a horse running on a river. 2. Person of interest 1. Edmund Noir, human (m) 2. Personality Energetic, earnest, personable 3. Appearance average height, bronze skin, athletic build short black straight hair tied in a pony tail, hazel eyes broad facial features, bit of stubble on his face. 4. Accent: Cajun 8. Potion shop (Elixir of life) 1. Description (exterior) A small tan two with large window story building with ivy and other hanging plants on a small iron balcony, (Interior) the interiors is mostly white walls covering wall to wall in plants and odd organism colored liquids and powdery substances in glass jars and vials, 2. Persons of interest 1. Arria Nattilis, Kobold (f) 2. Personality, Stoic, matter of fact, curious 3. Appearance, yellow colored scales, wears a cerulean robe with several pockets caring utesils and wears a telescopic monocle. 9. Arcane store (A touch of Magic) 1. Description A small gray building tucked away in alley a small black sign with arcane sigil sticks out reading in elegant signature underneath saying, “ A touch of magic” 2. Persons of interest 1. Clarrise Rouzet Tiefling (f) wild mage sorcerer 2. Appearance: Average height, curvy body, ruby red skin, two horns that stick up a curve back, blue iris, black sclera, long black curly hair that sits just below the shoulders, wears a purple long rim pointed hat along with a silver necklace, a long flowing purple dress. 3. Personality: polite, confidant, sultry 4. Accent: French, Polite 10. Unitary church 1. description a larger white and blue church, with a graveyard behind it 2. Persons of interest 1. Charles Bunce, halfling (m), Cleric of Elle 2. Appearance: average size, buff build, fair skin, green eyes short straight brown hair, a small mole of the left side of his nose, has calloused hands. Wears the typical garb of the Unitary church ut with the sleeves removed. 3. Personality: confidant, humble, straightfoward 4. Accent: french, deep 11. Residential Area 1. description 12. River walk 1. Description the area were the Eclair river, flows out in between the city, is filled with small shops and cafe's you can see people lounging on the bridges casually talking and walking, or riding on small row boats below. 13. River walk inn 1. Description Just before you reach the what looks to the be the high end of the city, you spy a tall three story sky blue building, on the corner with a tan sign written in that same sky blue “River walk inn and Tavern.” 2. Persons of interests 1. Nora Hotsuno, half-elf (f) 2. Personality: hospitable, charming, perceptive 3. Appearance: tall soft facial features, average build, lightly tanned skin. almond shape brown eyes, long straight brunnette tied in a bun, wears a causal pink floral dress.  

3rd ward (high end ward)

14. Baroness's Manor 1. Description (Exterior) At the End of the Riverwalk you can see this massive ivory palace overlooking a water fall with several small building surrounding guard's posted, around it's perimeter, but they don't look like the average town guard, the are dressed in white and gold rather the green and gold, and bare a bears head crest on the shields. (Interior) the indoors being equally lavish with pure white wall with gold trim and deep red velvet carpet throughout the palace. 2. Person of interest. 1. Baroness Chagnon, half-orc (f) 2. Appearance: Average height, toned and curvy build, dull green skin. Small underbite, somewhat strong facial features. Short length straight jet black hair, bright green eyes. Wear very fine clothes, a deep red pant suit with with ruffles on the sleeves and around the neckline. 3. Personality: Charismatic, Sherwd, manipulative. 4. Accent: Cajun 15. Nobles District 1. Description- the height of wealth and prestige can be visibly seen in this district, the streets and store fronts are pristine, and everyone moving through this ward is wearing the height of Tourbillon fashion feeling very distinct in the Rust providence, 16. Cafe' Rivierra 1. Description (Exterior) A large white building, tower over most in the area, a large black sign with white write reads “Cafe Rivera” a small black chalk reads of the today's special, “Coq au vin” there is a large open patio, (Depends on time of day people maybe here) with large brown and white parasols. 2. Persons of interest 1. Francios Dior human (m) 2. Appearance tall slender build, fair skin, brown eyes, well groomed straight short black hair swept black, wears a fine black and white suit, almost like a tux but not as formal. 3. Personality pompous, well mannered, shrewd, 4. Accent: french proper.
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