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United Holy Kingdom of Tourbillon

the Kingdom that reigns over North Tourbillon comprised of the former kingdoms brought under one rule


King/Queen rules the country grand prince /grand princess next in line to rule the throne, has the authority to make and laws and make executive decision throughout the country prince/ princess heirs to the throne has the authority to make and laws and make executive decision throughout the country grand duke/Grand duchess family or former royalty closest to the royal line, has the authority to make and laws throughout the country duke /duchess family close to the royal line or former royalty of another nation assimilated into the united holy kingdom, has the authority to make and laws throughout the country. baron/baronessmid ranking nobility that governs a region of the united holy kingdom of Tourbillon Marquis low nobility that governs towns and Villages


The culture of tourbillon varies slightly depending on region, however, most surround religion especially those within the unitary church. Tourbillians hold tradition and religion in high regard so much that it's frowned upon not attend church or worship outside deities. This also breeds a fear and hatred of tiefling as their devil like features cause Tourbillians to think of them as evil beings. Tourbillians share a love of art and beauty in all its forms, is also deeply integrated.


the united Holy kingdom of Tourbillon is very wealthy in materials, gather from all over Wealth: precious metals, gemstones  Buildings: castles, forts, townships, and trade ports, Livestock: horses, chickens, goats, cattle,  Goods:  vegetable Produce, cotton, grain, wine, beer, furs, timber,


the entire continent of north Elerene, is what the united kingdom of tourbillon consist of, after former nations assimated into it.


the Tourbillon military has multiple branches:  the guard- local defenders of the region the royal guard- elite soldiers guarding the royal family the inquisition - soldiers of the Unitary Tourbillon, internal investigators of the military.

Technological Level

Technological advancement so far for the most part is medieval, relying mostly on magic for convenience. weaponry is pretty standard, there military relies on the very diverse cultures and groups within Tourbillon, so depending on the where your fighting you'd get a different fighting tactics based on the culture of that area.


the religion of Tourbillon mostly follow the law and life pantheon and few from the mortal pantheon , collectively worship called the unitary church of Tourbillon

Agriculture & Industry

agriculture-  In tourbillon is mostly wine, especially in the grassland region, along with animal husbandry, a few cacti and rare herbs can be found in the desert region with some farming near the oasis. the subtropical area offering are similar with a massive variety in spices, and special conductive herbs used in potions.     Industry- blacksmithing, wine, fur, tobacco, spice, are all strong industries in Tourbillon is why the kingdom carries the name  of the nation of plenty.

Trade & Transport

Most trade in the tourbillon kingdom is done even to southern elerene the as the mire to south is far too unreliable to cross. most transport within the continent is done by horse and wagon.


commoners have the basic reading and writing knowledge depending what trade the individual works in nobility, royalty and clerical acolytes having the highest advantages when it come to education.


the cities and port towns hold a bulk of the kingdom's resources and infrastructures , sewers, aqueducts and paved roads housed within them forts near the sea and the borders of tourbillon territories, most town maintain a well and outhouses to deal with waste. stone roads stretch across the nation, save for the desert.  Teleportation circles are reserved for wealthly patrons that can afford them

Divine Origins

the unitary church has been the staple religion of Tourbillon since the kingdoms founding, worshiping a specific set of gods seen to be good for mortals to worship.

Cosmological Views

that the world was created by the Law and life pantheons and was given to the mortals .

Tenets of Faith

the tenet of the unitary church, outlined with the gods they worship, mostly trying to abide by the laws of the gods worshipped within it. they fine with gods outside the church, with exception of haal, Ixisal, Gorb, Quailoth, Az-is-la,


sins- necromancy, blood magic, Enchantment magic, thievery, murder, hedonism, adultery, indolence, polygamy   Piety- generosity, loyalty, trust, faith, courage,  integrity, chasity, diligence


the unitary observes all practices of faith and worship of the gods with in it,


the unitary church elects a high priest to guide flock regardless of who they worship within the unitary church, the high priest wears a  garb iconography from all religions within the church, signifying his devotion to the gods.

Political Influence & Intrigue

the church is part of the 1st estate along with the king, so they hold a massive influence in the kingdom, serving as the judiciary branch of the kingdom making certain the laws are in line with unitary church.
Founding Date
22nd of Eris, 2e 87
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Major Exports
being the prosperous nation that it is, tourbillon gains a majority profit from exports, and loans given out to poorer nations.
Major Imports
tea, magic artifacts, silk, mythril,
Legislative Body
the Royal family
Judicial Body
the Tourbillon clergy
Executive Body
the king of Tourbillon
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations


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