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Sareth God of metallic dragons

Lord Sareth (a.k.a. the platinum Dragon)

Sareth god metallic dragons, who wanted to live in harmony with the other races. As such he worship and respected by many, and houses a monasteries in the mountains.

Divine Domains

Domain: peace, order, light Portfolio: peace, metallic dragons, freedom, philosphy

Holy Books & Codes

the wing treaty,  the platinum codex

Divine Symbols & Sigils

platinum Dragon wings

Tenets of Faith

1. freedom 2. harmony for all


like many of the law pantheon, Sareth's has the festival of lights holiday in the winter.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Freedom and harmony

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A great platinum Dragon

Identifying Characteristics

Platinum color

Special abilities

can breath radiant energy

Specialized Equipment

his favored weapon is a greataxe

Mental characteristics

Personal history

3Early life

Sareth was like any other dragon in his era, he saw no problem with enslavement because he simply thought it was the natural order, until he met a gnomish man Gibbler Dewleaf, a slave to his family, Gibbler was a fresh slave brought to the employ of Sareth who still held resentment as he snatch away from his wife and children. Gibbler did little to hide it, Sareth out of curiosity ask him why as it was only the natural way of life the dragons are strongest and other races were weaker thus they should rule over all races. Gibbler retorted
Why I miss my family, I have wife and child bollocks to your natural law
  to which Sareth asks to retrieve his family to live in slavery with him, to which he refused, saying he'd rather live alone than put his family through this hell. Which prompted Sareth to ask why again as he explain he was not a cruel master, to which Glibber says
no your not, the fact that I'm aloud to answer these question so frankly is proof of that, but it ain't freedom, every day wake up here I'm reminded that I'm not my own man imagine if your wings were taken away and you'd known longer could fly as you wished.
This had struck a cord with Sareth as all dragons treasure their flight some could says it was their belief in their superiority. To that Sareth release Gibbler from his service and returned him home,  


From then on Sareth tried to convince other dragons to do the same make the same pleas to other most didn't listen, but some did. Sareth tried create some method of diplomacy but some of the dragons in his faction died attempting this and others wounded, further hurting his cause. Yet Sareth didn't quit, he wanted a true lasting peace for all races, he did the most drastic thing, he tore off his own wings a proof to live alongside the other races, this event shocked the world, and change the course of the Era of Mortals.  

Twilight years

Sareth had done everything in his power to secure a lasting peace and was mostly successful many were coming around to the idea of stopping war and cooperating with one another, sadly they were some who still had wounds that haven't closed and others who still believe it was their rightful place to reign over the world. to this end Sareth was assassinated by another dragon, and many mourned his passing and vowed to carrying on what he started.  


Sareth arisen again after receiving reverence and fervor for those who followed his way of life taking he form of a platinum dragons, and sought to bring and end to the war that Quailoth started.

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

the wing treaty that brought together all races into a single alliance, ascension to godhood.

Failures & Embarrassments

was assassinated by his peers.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sareth came to enjoy debate and philosophy when arguing for the release of slaves so much that became a hobby of his. As such he playfully goad people into debates with him

Morality & Philosophy

believes in freedom for all races and to live in harmony


Enslavement and racism

Personality Characteristics


Freedom and peace for all races

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Debate and Philsophy

Virtues & Personality perks

honorable, kind, trustworthy and

Vices & Personality flaws

has habit of playing around and not being serious


Religious Views

Beliefs of freedom and harmony

Social Aptitude

very sociable despite being a deity never speaks to mortals as if he's above them

Hobbies & Pets

Debate and Philosphy

Wealth & Financial state

Legendary hoard of platinum
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of dragons, Luminous wind
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1086 Le 1917 Years old
pale white
has a face frills and two slightly curved horns
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
bright platinum scales
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages


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