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Draven Cinderbark

2. Role in story: Mayor of Haundlyn 3. Physical description: Draven Cinderbark, a humanoid puma, stands with a commanding presence, his sleek tan and light brown fur accentuating his athletic build. His piercing golden eyes radiate a sharp intelligence and an unwavering sense of authority. Draven carries himself with a poised confidence, exuding the air of a natural leader. His sophisticated medieval attire complements his dignified demeanor, reflecting a balance of strength and elegance. 4. Age: 47 5. Personality Type (Enneagram or MBTI): How they behave: ENTJ and what they believe: Type 8 How they behave: The Commander The ENTJ is known for being a strong, successful leader. They notice inconsistencies or problems within systems, and they are skilled in conceptualizing which ideas can bring forth desired change. They like having a sense of order, and they enjoy contributing to building better systems. They tend to be charismatic and manage people well.   Frank, decisive, assume leadership readily. Quickly see illogical and inefficient procedures and policies, develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organizational problems. Enjoy long-term planning and goal setting. Usually well informed, well read, enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others. Forceful in presenting their ideas.   What they believe: Level 2: Self-assertive, self-confident, and strong: have learned to stand up for what they need and want. A resourceful, "can do" attitude and passionate inner drive. Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable.   At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring. Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others Basic Desire: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own life and destiny) Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.   6. Distinctive skills/abilities: Strategic Acumen: As a leader, Draven excels in strategic planning and decision-making. His ability to assess situations, anticipate outcomes, and formulate effective strategies is unparalleled.   Magical Knowledge: Given his position and the magical nature of his world, Draven has a good understanding of magical principles and practices, though he may not be a practitioner himself.   Resilience Under Pressure: Draven remains calm and focused under pressure, a skill that has been honed through years of leadership and facing various challenges. This resilience allows him to make clear-headed decisions even in the midst of chaos.   7. What is their greatest fear? His greatest fear is losing control over the well-being and stability of Haundlyn. His drive for self-reliance and independence makes him deeply concerned that a lapse in his leadership could lead to the city's downfall. This fear stems from a sincere dedication to the city's prosperity and safety, believing that his strong governance is crucial in shielding Haundlyn from chaos and ensuring its flourishing future. To Draven, maintaining control is synonymous with fulfilling his responsibility to the people and the city he has pledged to protect.   8. What is their misbelief about the world? (this is the root of fear) That strength and control are the only means to ensure safety and stability. He believes that showing vulnerability or relying too heavily on others is a sign of weakness that could be exploited, potentially leading to chaos and disorder. This belief stems from his deep-seated fear of losing control and failing in his duty to protect and lead Haundlyn. Draven sees the world as a place where only the strong and assertive can truly safeguard the well-being of their people, and he perceives any deviation from this approach as a threat to the city's prosperity and security.   9. What happened in the character's past to make them believe this lie? As a child, Draven lived in a small village on the outskirts of the savannah city of Deleos, a tranquil place typically shielded from the harsher realities of the world. However, one dry season, a devastating wildfire approached their village, threatening to engulf everything in its path.   The village leader, overwhelmed by the impending disaster, was paralyzed by fear and indecision. He was torn between immediately evacuating the village or trying to create a firebreak to contain the blaze. His delay in making a decision proved disastrous.   Draven's younger sister, Liana, known for her infectious laughter and radiant innocence, was playing near the forest when the fire rapidly closed in. Draven, attempting to rescue her, was forcibly pulled away by another villager who prioritized his safety. He could only watch in horror as Liana, trapped under a fallen tree branch and surrounded by flames, met her tragic fate. Her eyes, wide with fear and confusion, haunt Draven - a stark reminder of the cost of inaction.   This traumatic event ingrained in Draven a deep-seated belief that strength and decisiveness are crucial in leadership. He vowed to never let fear or hesitation cloud his judgment, believing that only through assertive control could he prevent such tragedies and protect those under his care.   10. What do they most often criticize others for? He most often criticizes others for their lack of foresight and initiative. He believes strongly in the values of strategic planning and self-reliance. In his eyes, people should be proactive in addressing their problems and preparing for potential challenges, rather than waiting until the last moment or relying too heavily on others for assistance. This belief extends to his view of leadership and governance, where he expects individuals, be they farmers or fellow officials, to demonstrate a degree of autonomy and forward-thinking in their actions and decisions.   11. What is their love language? He expresses care and affection through his actions, such as organizing resources for community projects or ensuring the city's defenses are strong. He believes that actively contributing to the well-being and stability of his community and loved ones is the best way to show love and care.   However, Draven's deep-seated belief in self-sufficiency and independence makes him uncomfortable receiving acts of service from others. He may perceive such gestures as undermining his ability to manage his own affairs, or as an indication that he is seen as incapable or in need of help. As a result, Draven rarely experiences love in the way he naturally expresses it, creating a complex dynamic in his personal relationships where he is more comfortable giving than receiving support.     12. How do they respond to emotional pain? Draven Cinderbark copes with emotional pain by retreating into a controlled, analytical mindset, often suppressing his emotions as he views them as potential weaknesses. He channels his energy into practical tasks or his mayoral duties, using them as a distraction from his inner turmoil. This stoic demeanor masks his internal struggle between the need for control and the experience of emotional pain. While he rationalizes his feelings or attributes them to external factors, in private, he may grapple with these emotions, reflecting on them silently.   13. Top three thing they value most in life? a. The Safety and Well-being of Haundlyn: Draven deeply values the safety and well-being of the city of Haundlyn and its inhabitants. His commitment to ensuring the city remains a safe haven for all its residents is paramount, and he dedicates much of his time and resources to this cause. b. His Morning Walks in Long Park: A cherished routine, Draven enjoys his solitary morning walks in Long Park. These walks provide him with a sense of tranquility and a moment to reflect away from the responsibilities of leadership. The park's natural beauty and quietude offer him a rare opportunity for introspection and peace. c. His Family’s Legacy: Draven holds his family's legacy in high regard, especially the memory of his younger sister. He strives to honor her memory by being the kind of leader she would have been proud of. His family’s history and values are a guiding force in his life, shaping his actions and decisions as mayor.   14. Is there an object they can't bear to part with and why? Draven cherishes an old, leather-bound journal that belonged to his younger sister. It's filled with her sketches of the savannah, doodles, and innocent musings about the world around her. For Draven, this journal is a tangible connection to her memory, a reminder of her creative spirit and the warmth she brought into his life. He can't bear to part with it because it's one of the few personal items he has left of her, and it serves as a source of comfort and motivation, reminding him of the purity and hope she represented. Keeping the journal close helps him stay grounded and connected to his roots, ensuring he never forgets the personal loss that drives his dedication to the safety and prosperity of Haundlyn.   15. Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom.   His attire typically includes: • Headwear: Draven rarely wears any headwear, preferring to display his proud Fireclaw features. His expressive, feline eyes and neatly groomed fur are always in clear view. • Top: A fitted, deep green tunic made from sturdy, high-quality fabric, which allows ease of movement. The tunic is adorned with subtle embroidery along the hems, featuring patterns that echo the natural motifs of the surrounding rainforest. • Overcoat: A sleeveless, dark brown leather vest that sits comfortably over his tunic. It’s both a symbol of his position and a practical garment, with various pockets and loops for carrying small items essential for his daily duties. • Bottoms: Durable, dark-toned trousers that offer flexibility and comfort. They are tailored to suit his agile nature, allowing him to move swiftly and effortlessly. • Footwear: Sturdy, well-made boots crafted from soft leather. They are designed for both comfort and longevity, ideal for navigating the terracotta pathways of Haundlyn. • Accessories: Draven often wears a simple, yet elegant, gold chain around his neck, a subtle nod to his status. Additionally, he carries a leather-bound planner or notebook, reminiscent of his sister's journal, where he meticulously organizes his thoughts and tasks for the city.   16. What is their method of manipulation? His preferred method of manipulation is likely to be Influencing through Authority and Respect. As a leader, he commands a certain level of respect and authority, and he uses this to subtly influence people's decisions and actions. By presenting his ideas and suggestions as being in the best interest of the city, and coming from a place of experience and wisdom, he is often able to sway opinions and guide outcomes without overtly exerting pressure or using coercive tactics. This approach allows him to maintain his image as a strong, decisive leader while effectively manipulating situations to align with his vision for Haundlyn.     Character Goals 1. How is your character dissatisfied with their life? Draven Cinderbark, despite his esteemed position and accomplishments, harbors an underlying dissatisfaction rooted in the weight of responsibility and the burden of leadership. His relentless drive to maintain control and ensure the safety of Haundlyn leaves him little room for personal fulfillment or relaxation. He often finds himself longing for simpler times, when he could enjoy the beauty of his surroundings without the constant pressure of decision-making and the fear of potential threats. This yearning is further compounded by a sense of loneliness, as his position often isolates him from forming genuine, close relationships. Draven's life is a balance between duty and desire, where his commitment to his role as mayor often overshadows his personal needs and aspirations.   2. What does your character believe will bring them true happiness or contentment? Draven Cinderbark believes that true happiness and contentment will come from achieving a state of absolute security and stability for Haundlyn. He envisions a future where the city is not only safe from external threats but also internally harmonious, where every citizen can thrive without fear or uncertainty. This vision extends to a society where people are self-reliant, capable, and prepared to face any challenge, thereby reducing the reliance on a single leader. For Draven, the ultimate contentment lies in the knowledge that he has built a resilient community that can sustain itself and prosper, even in his absence. He dreams of a day when he can step back, knowing the city will continue to flourish, allowing him the freedom to explore personal pursuits and find peace in the simpler pleasures of life.   3. What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality? Community Engagement and Leadership Development: Draven could create platforms for community engagement where citizens can voice their concerns, propose solutions, and participate actively in city governance. This could include town hall meetings, citizen advisory boards, and mentorship programs to cultivate future leaders. This approach would encourage a sense of ownership and responsibility among the populace, gradually reducing their dependence on a single leader.   4. How has their fear kept them from taking this action already? Distrust in Collective Decision-Making: His past experience where a leader's indecision led to tragedy has instilled a mistrust in collective decision-making processes. Draven worries that involving more voices in governance might lead to conflicting opinions and delayed actions, reminiscent of the disastrous consequences he witnessed as a child.   5. How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while steering clear of the thing they are afraid of? Phased Involvement: Instead of an abrupt transition to community-led governance, Draven could start with smaller, less critical areas of decision-making. This gradual approach would allow him to observe and adjust the process as needed, building his confidence in the community's ability to make sound decisions.
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