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As you step into Haundlyn, the city's identity unfolds before your eyes. At the gates, the towering Guardian Statues, hewn from enduring stone, extend open arms in a welcoming embrace. Their toga-like garments are adorned with intricate vine motifs and floral embellishments, a living testament to the profound connection between the city and the lush rainforest surrounding it.   Further exploration reveals the city's Clay Mosaic Murals. Meticulously crafted from intricate clay tiles, these large-scale artworks capture the heart and soul of Belanshe. They narrate stories of the land's history, culture, and profound connection to the earth. Each mural weaves a tapestry of vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and emotive storytelling, enveloping you in an irresistible sense of belonging.   The central Library of Antiquities beckons, drawing you into a world of age-old wisdom and history. It opens a window into the narratives and knowledge that bind the city together. Its living garden on the rooftop provides a tranquil retreat, a place to delve into the city's stories and connect with its past.   In its entirety, Haundlyn invites you to explore a city where culture and nature exist in harmony. It is a place where every corner speaks of the land's rich history and its unwavering unity with the earth. As you delve into the heart of Haundlyn, the city's essence becomes your own.


Being the capital, Haundlyn is a melting pot of cultures and races, primarily inhabited by elves, gnomes, and dwarves, each adding their unique flair to the town's character. This bustling hub also welcomes a diverse mix of humans, halflings, tieflings, dragonborn, and other races, creating a vibrant tapestry of traditions and skills. The harmonious blend of various peoples not only enriches Haundlyn's culture but also fosters a dynamic and prosperous community, reflective of the world's rich diversity.


Haundlyn's governance is a blend of local autonomy and overarching jurisdiction. The city is presided over by a Mayor, responsible for the daily administration, including maintaining law and order through the city guards, overseeing business operations, and managing city infrastructure and repairs. The Mayor's role is pivotal in ensuring the smooth functioning of Haundlyn, focusing on the welfare and prosperity of its residents.
While the Mayor handles the city's internal affairs, Haundlyn also falls under the wider purview of the Duchy of Belanshe. The Duchy, with its political and trade interests, plays a significant role in shaping the external relations and overarching policies that impact Haundlyn. However, their involvement in day-to-day city life is minimal, primarily focusing on broader strategic and diplomatic concerns.
This dual governance structure allows Haundlyn to enjoy both the benefits of local decision-making and the advantages of being part of a larger political entity. The Mayor and the Duchy collaborate, ensuring that the city's needs are aligned with the broader goals of Belanshe, fostering a harmonious and progressive environment for all.

Industry & Trade

Amidst the bustling The Market Bazaars, the scent of street food and the sights of artisans at work come together in a vivacious display of joy and festivity. The city's streets thrive with goods and crafts, reflecting the energetic spirit of its people.


Terracotta Pathways lead you through the heart of the city, their sun-kissed bricks infusing warmth into your every step. Beneath the canopy of the rainforest, these pathways beckon as a harmonious extension of the natural environment. Greenery and the occasional moss-covered sculpture emerge, blurring the lines between human culture and the untamed world.


Duskrow: On the edge of Haundlyn, Duskrow serves as the canvas where creativity knows no bounds. Artisans of every stripe bring life to this district, with studios and galleries nestled within its leafy enclaves. The pathways here are a kaleidoscope of artistic expression, not just terracotta mosaics but also vibrant frescoes, whimsical sculptures, and wind chimes that sing with the breeze. As dusk falls, the glow of artisans' lamps casts a warm, inviting light, turning the district into a nocturnal festival of sights and sounds, where art is not just observed but lived and breathed.     Clearpole: Nestled on the outskirts of Haundlyn, Clearpole is where the city's bounty takes root. This pastoral district is dotted with greenhouses and expansive fields, where dedicated farmers tend the soil. Their efforts yield an array of crops and orchards that flourish year-round, a crucial supply for the city's demands. It's a place of early morning toils and earthy aromas, where the agricultural heart of the city beats strongest. The residents of Clearpole, a close-knit community of growers and their families, live amidst the greenery they cultivate, ensuring the cycle of sowing and reaping continues unbroken.   Upper Town: Upper Town is Haundlyn’s scholarly heart, a place where intellectual pursuits and communal contributions shape one's status rather than wealth or lineage. The district is alive with the vibrant energy of students and teachers from the local magic school, sharing knowledge and spells alike. Its proximity to the Library of Antiquities makes it a favored spot for scholars and sages who spend their days buried in ancient texts or debating the latest arcane theories. The architecture here is designed with utility and comfort in mind, reflecting the practicality of its residents. Houses are adorned with flourishing rooftop gardens, and public spaces are meticulously maintained by the city workers who call this district home.   Fishplace: The district thrives with the vibrant hustle of its bustling fish market. Here, fishermen showcase their bountiful catches, drawing in locals and visitors with a tantalizing display of seafood. The area is renowned for its seafood-focused taverns, where culinary delights from the ocean are paired with local brews. Streets away from the sea, the grand amphitheater stands proudly, hosting an array of performances that captivate audiences. Despite its distance from the waterfront, Fishplace captures the essence of the sea, merging the daytime's vibrant trade with the nighttime's lively entertainment.   Trade District: The Trade District of Haundlyn is a bustling epicenter of commerce, where the renowned Market Bazaars thrive. This district buzzes with activity as vendors display a diverse array of goods, from handcrafted items to exotic produce, mirroring the island's diverse cultural mosaic. Amidst the labyrinthine alleys, lively music and spirited conversations create a vibrant social atmosphere. Seasonal festivals, especially the much-anticipated annual Market Bazaar Festival, bring an extra layer of charm and excitement, transforming the district into a kaleidoscopic showcase of Haundlyn's artistic and entrepreneurial spirit.   Long Park: The city's green lung, Long Park, offers a tranquil retreat from the urban thrum. Its pathways meander through expanses of greenery, leading to quiet nooks and lively playgrounds alike. The terracotta here is softer, cradled by grass and flower beds, inviting leisurely strolls and reflective pauses.   The Harbour: The Harbour of Haundlyn, a bustling gateway, seamlessly blends the vigor of trade with the welcoming energy of new arrivals. One side thrives with the activity of commerce, as ships from afar unload their cargo amidst a lively atmosphere of merchants and dockworkers. Contrasting this, the other side greets travelers, diplomats, and families with a tranquil ambiance, overseen by the Dockmaster from a central office. This dual-faceted Harbour mirrors Haundlyn's spirit of cultural exchange and economic dynamism, symbolizing the city's role as a hub where diverse journeys intersect.   Feysong: Feysong, a district suffused with the resonant echoes of creativity and magic, is where Haundlyn's artistry and spellcraft converge. During the day, it's alive with the harmonious melody of Nature's Song, a mystical tune that rejuvenates magic users and inspires artists. The spacious courtyards and open-air stages serve as communal practice grounds for performers and spellcasters, creating a symphony of visual and arcane spectacles. As dusk falls, Feysong transforms into an eerily quiet space, fueling local superstitions of spectral voices that continue to sing Nature's Song into the night.

Points of interest

As the sun dips below the horizon, the city's Grand Amphitheater awakens, resonating with the rich sounds of the performing arts. Dance, music, theater, and comedy light up the night, breathing life into the heart of Haundlyn. Here, you're invited to be part of a vibrant and immersive cultural experience.


Most buildings are made of bricks fired from the clays of Acocola and wood from local trees. There are a few major buildings such as the capitol building or Library of Antiquities are made entirely from stone and brick to last through the ages. Adding to the natural beauty of the rainforest and ocean surroundings, Haundlyn's Living Roofs invite you to experience an oasis of greenery in the heart of the city. As you ascend to these lush havens, the bustle below is left behind, replaced by a sense of serenity and calm.


Haundlyn is located on the southern coast of Belanshe between the ocean and rainforest. The city sprawls across the landscape and has a rich port due to trade with the nearby island and fisherman of the cove.


  • Haundlyn
    Nestled between the lush rainforest and the sparkling ocean, Haundlyn is a vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures and artistic expression, where terracotta pathways and living roofs harmonize with nature, embodying the spirit of unity and creativity.
Nestled between the lush rainforest and the sparkling ocean, Haundlyn is a vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures and artistic expression, where terracotta pathways and living roofs harmonize with nature, embodying the spirit of unity and creativity.


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